Races And Species
Within the Astarian Empire, there exist many races and groups of people who hail from all over. This page is dedicated to sharing the details of the race itself or the world they come from.
Angel Hailing from the world Skylands 4, they are situated high above the world. These beings are born of bright light and as they age and mature they begin to develop physical bodies based on their own desires. They have small wings which allow them to float around the world using their wings and magic. They are a race that lives for well over a few thousand years but have a very small population due to their sharing of magical energies. As they venture out they use the cosmic magic to keep themselves empowered and alive when away from their home world. They are a powerful group of magic based beings serving under a high council of Arch-Angels who currently is being overseen by The Supreme Arch-Angel Tabitha and her Angelic Council. Choosing to stop their wars with those less worthy or below them, they began to focus on smaller amounts of high powerful individuals who are strong enough to challenge even the gods themselves on various worlds. A newly created Angel is quite powerful and intelligent in the ways of general knowledge and the whims of the people. They act as listeners to the churches who seem to worship them or the idea of them, good or evil. Being worshiped as a being of light but not quite in the realm of god hood they are arrogant, charismatic, and smart beings. Once they leave the world they take on their human-like form with small wings, a small floating halo, and a golden glow which is all hidden by magic from those whom they deem not worthy. Factions: The Angelic people of Skylands 4 are united into a single Large faction due to their reliance on the shared magic energies of the world. Once they leave the world they will make their own way and join the groups or factions they wish to. Before they leave their world it is a council order for them to broaden their horizons with some for of angelic academy to study. This causes them to focus on more of an Archetype to study before their adventures. Their main focuses of studies include: Casting Magics, Archery and Ranger Training, Scholar of some great Knowledge like science or mathematics, Art of Warfare and Warrior-hood, and the Art of Shadows and Assassinations. The Caster of Magics: Studying the grand magics of the cosmic universe and all the various magics from the worlds in the empire, The Caster of Magics is able to use magic at a better, more efficient rate then other Angels can. They have Arcane mastery and knowledge over the Arcane Arts allowing them to have fully Charged and Cast-able Magic Spells at any time no matter where they are. This allows them to channel their powers and fight at a higher level than others. This requires the most amount of study consisting of almost a hundred years to get the complete training they need. After their training many choose to become powerful assets to gods, or even the best teachers at institutes around the galaxy. Being able to change forms, they are able to freely make their appearance what they need to do the job they want. Archery and Ranger Studies: Having been trained in the art of marksmanship and the hunt, these Angel rangers are able to hit their targets at such a long range. They have a super enhanced magic sight which allows them to become great snipers. Many of them spend decades training with all the weapons in the empire’s arsenal as they become the military's finest soldiers. The Scholar: Studying in the grand library and finding every old dusty tome available, The Scholar has so much knowledge that they can use this talent to further their every move and action. Knowing exactly how something is done is their greatest passion. When they fail a task, they take it as a personal attack on their knowledge and they tend to hide away and further their studies. As they begin to make discoveries they publish them for all others to consume their knowledge. They are quiet and reserved as they put their knowledge first and foremost for the benefit of the empire. Art of Shadows and Assassinations: They are trained in the art of shadow walking, dark void travels, and evasion. These Angels take on the darker more shadowy forms in order to become masterful evasive beings. They are more darker gray instead of the golden white or yellow, they tend to not show their wings and halo due to the light it produces. This allows them to better evade attacks that come their way or allow them to slip in and out of the shadows. Art of Warfare and Warrior-hood: Spending their early years training in the various weapons of the empire, they are a brutish bunch who will polish their weapons and armor constantly. The Warrior is trained to use any and all weapons effectively without penalty to skill or ability usage even in the heaviest ornamental armor. From the mighty stick to the sharpest spoon and all weapons in between the warrior is able to use what they can find in a time of need to be able to change the flow of combat. Angel Traits: Age: After leaving Skylands 4 and taking a human-like form they tend to be around 400 years old which is considered more of a young adolescent than a mid-age individual. Morality: They tend to be morally righteous beings who believe in lawful deeds and judgment above all else. They find a slight distaste of the lower creatures due to their more innate hostile crime ridden nature. Size: Angel can be between 3-7 ft tall in their human-like bodies. Being made of light they tend to only eat and drink when others do so, therefore their bodies are extremely light in comparison to their overall height making them between 15-40 lbs. Their density is low allowing them to easily float on water and be able to traverse even the harshest of gravity. Languages: Due to their thirst for knowledge, they are proficient at speaking and understanding most if not all known languages within the empire.
Arachnid Birthing from large mother spiders and broodmothers alike, a few new broods of spider people have begun making their appearance in the empire. The Primals which all spiders came from before their magical evolutions tend to be the oldest and most well lived as they are more cautious than others. The Toxins who came from the poisonous and toxic areas prefer to live and thrive in poisonous worlds. They tend to become some of the most powerful miners and harvesters as they are always a first pick when it comes to the dangerous places. Factions: The Arachnids are a bug-like race therefore they have many different brood factions that are spawned. They have the heavily armored resistant Stoneweavers, The poison inflicting Toxins, The durable and heavy Metalisks, and the Primals who are the main predecessors of the Spider People and tend to be more savage and combat effective than the others due to their birthright to oversee them. As they spread across the stars they interact less and less with any and all non-humanoid bugs and spiders as they pull farther away from the swarm and all those who may be under the influence of the brood. The Primal Ones: The Primals are a race of spider people that underwent evolutions to gain an upper humanoid half which can speak the languages of bugs and insects. After their evolution the large brood mother began to lay eggs which hatched into Arachnids on rare occasions. At this point to further The Primal bloodlines the Arachnid Brood Mother killed and ate all other female and regular spiders born to become larger and more powerful. After many generations of stagnation, a few female broodmothers were born as males to sneak by the Arachnid Queen and fled deep into the caverns to start their own broods. They were put down by the Arachnid warriors the queen has her personal guards but this caused more uprisings, as more broodmothers rose to try and challenge the Arachnid Queen they were put down one after another, 3 broodmothers hidden in disguise left to hunt down a smaller group of spiders led by a brood mother who was able to lay a few generations in solitude.They comforted her and hunted them all feeding on them to become powerful enough to hold their own broods. They then gave their condolences as they left for different areas deep in the caverns to build their broods in secrecy, focusing on smaller more powerful numbers they slowly became strong enough to stand against The Primals. Their long lineage has lasted from the beginning until this day holding great power and abilities. The Primals have the most combat experience of all the broods having combat since birth and to hold any positions of powers they constantly use their sharp claws with magical enchantments. As they left the world to travel across the stars, they tend to stay on large colony ships and aid the swarm when possible while maintaining their own unique identity. The Metalisks: From scavenging their meals from the cave walls they have been ingesting large amounts of metals which have undergone a magical reaction within their bodies causing them to evolve becoming smaller and more dense. They are small yet their strength and speed remain the same as other spiders. They can stop moving and cuddle up, thickening their skin to resist damages being made of natural metal. They are sometimes seen as metal structures due to their metallic shiny bodies. They are fearsome when they swarm, wielding large weapons and casting magic. They will grab hold of their targets and begin to drag them down and lock them in place. Higher density worlds draw them in and they become the best deep cavern and range miners in the empire. The Toxin Ones: Birthed in the poison pools of the deep caverns they are a pale white color with deep radiant greens on all the spikes protruding from their bodies and pooling like large splotches around their bodies. They naturally emit a green liquid from their spikes which will stay potent for hours after it is accidentally or actively placed. As they live in the plagued worlds, they can become great miners and harvesters but a few of the best and brightest become researchers. Their thick and highly resistant carapaces allow them to survive almost every situation. The Stoneweavers: The large Stoneweavers, like all other spiders, were a larger and stronger brood of its time. They are but a shattered smaller group settling down in deserts and post apocalyptic worlds as their carapace blends into the brown around them. Their carapace is ragged and rocky as it can act like a buried sand ambush trap or even pose as a small rock formation. Arachnid Traits: Age: After leaving their eggs they are immediately fed on so not many survive the great devouring of the other spiders. The spiders who survive the initial devouring then will continue to age and grow shedding their carapaces as they increase in size. The older an Arachnid is the larger, more powerful they tend to be with the birth mother spider of ancient times being the size of the large caverns itself. Morality: They tend to be morally ambiguous since all they tend to do is eat, they have no real moral qualms and will tend to do whatever it takes to get their next meal. Size: Arachnids can be between 5-9 ft tall with either a human top body or a spider top body with the bottom always being the large spider like appendages. The females have a larger end acting as their birthing chambers while the males are smaller and more agile. They are treated as Medium sized with the Stoneweaver being treated as Large and the Metalisks being treated as Small. Languages: They speak in the language of Insect and those who gain intelligence and leave the world learn to speak the basic Common Language of the empire.
Beastmen Hailing from Werecall, the place they call home deep in their hearts. They are the beast people who have spread out across the stars creating new kinds of beastmen. The beastmen live in tribes, hopeful to have a new and powerful life filled with opportunities. The ones who hail from Werecall itself are subject to a harsh life growing up in a death world. Once long ago it was just a simple enough death world with all the plant and animal life killing them with ease. After Supreme Lord Tanya took control, it changed to an even harsher world. The Beasts of Werecall, is a title bestowed to those who survive and thrive on the world and are able to get through the culling. This allows them to be exempt from many things and able to get any and all kinds of information or needed things with little resistance. Every 3 years a small culling takes place which has the competitors arrive in the arena to battle to the death. As they claim victory in their brackets they can choose to stay or move up to less cullings but more intense battles. The medium sized culling takes place over a week's time as an event of sorts which occurs every 5 years. The largest culling takes place every 10 years and serves as the standard of combat entertainment. This frees up the lesser populace and begins their journey of culling and survival. Each one bears the title Beast of Werecall Is A Beast Worth 10,000. It used to be 1,000 but then Supreme Lord Tanya’s changes had a stronger impact making them far greater and more proud then they ever were. Werecall is the only world in the empire’s control which is allowed to be exempt from all the major rules of the empire. They do not have to follow the rules of slavery, black markets, and brothels which are accepted and allowed on all worlds in the empire. They earned this right due to the constant supply of beastmen into the empire's forces and their dedication to the fight. This however only applies to the Beasts of Werecall and not just the Beastmen in general. Culture: Beastmen are a strong willed and powerful race of people who are extremely focused on an individual trait within their own powerhouse, some have powerful forms they can take which improves their power and abilities. After they are born they are given to the den mothers to be cared for as they need to be fed and washed. At the age of 3 when they are able to do their own things they are left in the wilds to survive on their own in their death world. After 15-17 yearly red moons they return to their dens with their newfound power for their first culling. Normally they will arrive naturally but some will return once they hear the ringing of the Wercallian Bells. They do their first proving as a large group to whittle them down. Once they survive their first ceiling they then set out to a specialized institute for training and studies which is a 1 year crash course on what they wish to do. Some become great researchers and scientists, some may become powerful warriors and bodyguards, others will become great mages. They then can enter into the military or training academies to further their education for the next 2 years until their first real culling takes place. After that they can resume their current position, some exceptions will be made for instance if they are in service under a special contract. After that contracts end cycle or their 3rd time pushing off the culling, they will have to go and take the culling. All Beasts of Wereall can be identified by a special Insignia on their worker outfit or uniform, this is unique and is on a list which no Beastmen will forge. The one who does is usually punished to the highest degree. No matter the age, the size, or the condition, all Beastmen have a tendency to find the most elder beast in the area and perform the beast pressing. The elder beast picks up the other beast’s left foot using their right hand high into the sky. They are held and talked to and helped with any and all of the problems they may have. This beast culture even happens before any and all military salutes as it is considered the highest priority. An example of this is Supreme General Orcca’Thal’s first day at the Universal Gate Program. A young beast, not knowing where to go, found her elder beast. She was picked up and told where to go. After the interaction she was put down and then she saluted the major who was there to assist her. This just proves how Werecall is treated as a special entity. Factions: The Beastmen are a group of beast races who live in unison with some blood conflicts except during the culling. The culling allows for all grudges, race tension, and differences to be forgiven and let go for the culling. They have become prosperous and respected people who make great mercenaries for hire, physical workers, companions, or even great merchants. They speak all beast languages, common, and even some other languages from other races. The main race factions which make up Beastmen culture include the powerful Werebears, the swift Werewolves, the magically blessed Wererabbits, the agile Werecats, and the resistant Wereturtles. The Werebears are a strong and powerful bunch. They can hit the hardest and tend to be a more normal size with a powerful giant bear transformation. The Werewolves are faster and more agile than most, hunting is their specialty and their wolf form can improve their speed extremely. Wererabbits have an affinity to use and channel powerful magics. This causes their fur to change colors as they channel their magic. Constant use of their magic will dye parts of their fur in different patterns or splotches. Werecats have natural fur patterns to help them blend into their surroundings allowing them to become swift stalkers or shadow movers. Other beasts are far and few inbetween but still have some roots in their Beast Lineage. The Werebears: Making great warriors and laborers, they are a group of all rounders with a knack for physical things. They have good damage and durability, being able to survive many different encounters out on their adventures or working as soldiers and bodyguards. They are a secluded group of people with low population growth but intense power training far longer than all others of the Beastmen which makes them more prideful yet reserved. Their alternate bear form is larger in size and heavier which makes them far heavier then they appear in their normal form. They can have a more beast-like bear appearance or a more tame human beast-like appearance. This depends on how they were born and if their parents were more or less beastly. The Werebears even though they are far more powerful, their genetic code is weaker than other beasts so when they birth a cub, most of the time the genetic code is lost and the other genetic code is lost. The Werecats: Making great scouts and runners, from young ages the Werecats play various games with each other, improving their reflexes and speeds. When they are older they begin training once more in the art of weaponry and various hand to hand style combat. After they finish their training they can attend any of the other training that is offered like magic casting or beast strength training however most tend to follow the shadow arts and learn skills associated with stealthy assassins or thieves. The Werecats have the most feline species under their umbrella due to the sheer volume of large cats in the world. From Weretigers and Werepanthers all the way to Werecheetahs and Werelions. They are a people who have the feline genetics seen in their face and body unlike many other beasts, they are more on the humanoid side of the beastly spectrum. The Wererabbits: Wererabbits are extremely valuable for their unfathomable beauty and intense minds. They have photographic memories when it comes to anything written, they can memorize any and all written information even if it is in a different language. They can learn other languages easily and make for great magic casters and researchers due to their ease of information gathering. Their beauty makes them easy to charm others and work as companions in cities making tons of money with their bodies having an easy life. Many of the Wererabbits are born from beautiful female Wererabbits and males of other races with the beastmen blood winning out in the genetic lottery. They make for great entertainers and companions in various places in their more human-like forms. Their more beastly forms are much stronger and feral but will still see their tribe as their tribe and not discriminate with others based on looks. They may refer to each other as Fuo and Duo or Pretty and Beast, as descriptive slang. The Werewolf: The lore of the Werewolf has been told in myths, legends, and folklore. They are people who use magic to turn into wolves growing in size, breaking bones, rapidly growing fur, claws, and teeth. The lore from all the places seems to be standard however it is actually false. The lore of the Werewolf they believe to be true is actually a sub species of Werewolf that hails from the beastmen. Long ago there was a cunning, charismatic, ladies man, intelligent, and powerful Beastmen Werewolf who took to the battlefields in an unknown place far across the portal on another world. There they battled against untold foes and at the end of their lengthy quest they lost the fight against a powerful demon and sought out enough power to win the fight, they were offered a great deal of power in exchange of a curse placed on them. Blinded by rage and power they took it and won their fight. They then used their great power to hop from world to world on other various quests with their curse being “extended life”. As they won each victory and went from world to world they had a grandiose quest fulfilled and after many lovers, many friends, many quests, and many brothels visited he decided to settle down. After his third kid was born on a peaceful quiet countryside surrounded by his beautiful family the Curse took hold and the shadow of the demon appeared before him. Stunned and trying to hide what it was, the demon easily flung him aside and looked at his life, his family, his conquests of women. He was a proud beastmen, a proud warrior, a proud father. He used his curse to strip him of his beastmen powers, his beastmen blood, his beastmen lineage. He was made anew once more, he was now a man, cursed with the Werewolf Blood. This turns him into a Werewolf at a full moon, breaking bones, causing his mind to grow feral, fur, claws, and teeth to grow rapidly making him into a beast. This not only affected him but his entire bloodline across all the various worlds and places from all his lineage or those he has been with. This has spread the “werewolf” creatures across the galaxy as humans who turn into wolves. An alternate sub species is a Lycan. Lycan’s are those who are able to enter into a heightened state and transform into a larger bipedal standing furred body with a larger wolf head and sharp claws. They become stronger and more aggressive and stronger than the average human. Both of these wolves are not considered Werewolves of the Beastmen Race and are looked down upon by the true beastmen in the empire. It is a scent, something seems off about them. This is because they are not true beasts.. Beastmen Traits: Age: They tend to be old and wise in comparison to humans and other short lived races. They tend to physically mature quickly, growing in size rapidly in the course of 10 years, after that they finish their training and take on their specialties. By 20 they are still immature but are fully capable and tend to set out into the big wide world. As they grow old and age their fur becomes gray after only 200 hundred years and then white after 400 years. They can live up to 1000 years but most tend to act as vanguards and fight as mercenaries in their old state being highly capable warriors and leaders. Size: Beastmen stand between 5-9 ft tall being covered with fur and some of them having more beast like or human like appearances. Languages: They speak Common as well the language of beasts. They have many different dialects in the Common language from all the various groups of beasts living around the world, where they tend to live has their Common speech pick up the area’s current dialects.
Centaur Top half human and bottom half horse, they are fast hard hitting warriors able to get in and out of combat quickly. Born as a standard fawn, the centaur is born the same as all other horses, straight out of the womb and on the run. They are adventurous and free, they enjoy running and playing whenever possible. This makes them great explorers and combat specialists, when they grow older most will join the military to get away from the worlds they hail on for a new chance at wealth, life, and religion. The standard Centaur has a horse body and human top which is a complexion similar to the horse bottom. The darker the horse skin the darker the human complexion. The exception to the Tribal and Devoted Centaurs are the Dark Centaurs. Factions: The Centaurs are a group of nomadic people who live in groups. They travel from place to place while maintaining hunter gatherer-like behaviors. When on a modernized world they will leave their old tendencies behind. They are skilled with all manners of weapons and will dash about. They will work together The Devoted: Magically capable, weaponry adept, and knowledge hungry. These Centaurs are devoted to their religious zealtory while maintaining absolute authority over the Tribal Centaurs. They make up the bulk of the Centaur population in the empire while leaving a few of the most religious and powerful devout behind to watch over the tribal people. They will worship their god of the plains and will adorn themselves in all manners of gold and gems to show them their religious wealth. They are hot headed and temperamental in most situations, but will always stay busy with work or combat to keep themselves sharp. When near other Centaurs, they will gravitate and take the highest ranking position not due to rank but to religious affiliation. This will cause issues within military ranks which are mostly cleared up. The Tribals: More tribal and feral than all others due to their moral code being survival first, they tend to make good ranged combatants and use their vast swiftness to become hit and run assailants or even bandits and slave traders. They are capable fighters with intense survival and combat training from a young age. Their religious beliefs are through the powers of blood and that all blood is healed and restored through combat. To get better you must make others worse. The empire has had some issues with the Tribal Centaurs over the years due to their religious beliefs and need to shed blood and not take another's blood into their bodies. When they find a capable magic caster who can heal and cure their first actions are mostly to take them as a slave to be their dedicated healers or tribe healers. Over time most of the Tribal Centaurs have changed their ways and are more patient, cold, and have a vow of solidarity. They are even stronger using their magic to control their blood and need for blood by channeling it into a silent powerful rage. This has changed their perception over the long centuries but the empire keeps them as a separate people scattered far and wide due to their fear that they will have to eliminate the entire race from the galaxy. The Dark Centaurs: They are a group of Centaurs which have been plagued by demonic magics after their leader opened a magically sealed book in their camp turning them into twisted demonic beings. At that point many of them were pulled through magic portals to different demon worlds. Some survived and fought tooth and nail to keep themselves from being demonic food or fodder. They have rebuilt their civilization and are no longer seen as a demonic threat but more like an alternative faction of the race. They are dark skinned colored with black demonic eyes and they have 6-10 legs made of twisted tentacle centaur like legs. Before they were seen as a demonic creature and are hunted by many on sight due to their demon origins, now they are more of an unnatural thing to look at. Centaur Traits: Age: They tend to be young, naive, and reckless in comparison to humans and other short lived races. They are half horse and half human people so their life span is only slightly longer than normal humans at a mere 200 years old. After age 100 they begin to become old and slow and usually don’t make it to their full age since they can’t keep up with the herd. As they enter into their contracts of servitude with the empire which stops their aging for the duration will keep them in the absolute prime until they begin to age once more. Morality: They tend to be morally self-serving and honor only their people, their clan, and themselves. Size: Centaurs stand between 6-10 ft tall being covered with short horse hair on their bottom half and having human-like appearances on their top half. Languages: They speak the standard Common language and any others they may know.
Demons A large conglomerate of races meet together to make up the demonic race. They can be more humanoid like demons or even those who are seen as monsters and beasts. Most of the time the demonic features will appear as a few features on the body like markings, tattoos, horns, wings, or tails. They can be hidden with magic but mostly demons tend to be very prideful and will show themselves. The more features of the demon or demon-like means there is more power within that demon. A full blooded demon tends to look close to what their description portrays, however a half demon will show the characteristics of the other race that is mixed with a demon. Demons are powerful creatures born of the darkness and corruption in the world, they aren't inherently evil and have their own desires and morality but are born from evil. Factions: The demon people are focused entirely on a class based system. They see size and power as the absolute most important thing to rule over others and do so with absolute authority. Many people are worried about demons in the military and the empire in general since they are seen as a free people with a respected culture instead of the normal opinion of demons. Since they follow power and authority, they will never question the orders issued to them by those who are strong enough to rule over them. An example is a human girl who ruled over tons of demons because she possessed the abilities to kill them immediately and they feared her for a single glance could end them, in reality she had uncontrollable magic which would cause her targets hearts to stop beating if her mood rapidly changed. She was none the wiser, neither were the demons who would serve or avoid her. She was a good kid who began to unite demons and humans alike in her world but her legend is still impressive for a mere human. The history is passed down in demonic kind for them to never let a simple thing go or change them but it has been for the betterment of the people. Demons are ruled under their demon lord, usually the head of their families. In larger groups there may be a demon king ruling over various groups of demon lords but surprisingly they seem to follow most medieval kingdom economics and rule. Full blooded demons or pure demons have higher innate magic powers and will reign at the top of the demonic hierarchy. Below them are the greater demons who have high intelligence and understanding. Under them are special and regular demons followed by the bottom most tiered demons, the lesser demons. Unlike many other races where your body may grow stronger as you age but are limited to your unique physiology, demons have the powers to evolve and change, increasing in power as they grow older and stronger. Although many higher ranking demons can be born from higher leveled parents, many demons start as lesser demons and evolve over time. After evolving their higher ranks allow them to get better jobs, the power to rule over weaker foes, or even gain the power to embark on their own journeys. The great families of demons may stand on their own but the demons mostly come in the great 7 sins of mankind which has influenced their growth and powers over the many long centuries. In the beginning there were the Imps, Succubuses, Incubuses, Satyrs, Harpies, Hounds, and Beasts. After the demons began to spread off their main worlds and influence mankind on their own worlds, the 7 demons of sin began to form and become the beacons of the demons. Imps: Imps are smaller demons usually seen as workers and harvesters to others. They are pushed around and used as basic operators of smaller equipment and suits used in heavy mining operations. They tend to have darker skin the older they grow so they are born brightly colored and have the most amount of magical powers available to them which wanes over time due to their magic affecting their colors. They have decent magical powers but are overall less physically inclined which makes them easy to push around and rule over. They are resilient to most things and are seen as basic fodder to all the demons. Small demon creatures with small frames, stout noses, and little horns appearing from their foreheads. They have small imp tails which they can use to grab nearby things within 3ft. As they gain more power they will develop small wings which help them glide and at times they can even glide short distances. The stronger they become, their wings will become more powerful allowing them to fly. When a half race, half imp child is born, they tend to be of olive or darker colored skin with tiny horns on their head and are only slightly bigger than an imp standing at 4ft. They don’t have an imp type tail but can easily blend into their races societies. As they kill other demons and absorb their magic powers, they will evolve into a full Imp standing around 6ft with huge horns and wings. Their tail becomes a thick dragon-like tail and is able to slam into things with great power. After their strength grows more, they will become a Greater Demon Imp and stand close to 9ft with dark black skin and large horns. Their wings and Tail become dark black with sharp barbs and their hands develop strong powerful claws. People who typically see one of these Greater Imps tend to think of them as a powerful demon lord and even in certain religions they are seen as a great foe unlike any other. Their magic powers explode as they evolve making them the strongest and most prideful magic casters able to use magic without speaking or gesturing. The empire describes their evolution by comparing them to other races to make it easy for people to know what they are dealing with. An Lesser Imp is similar to a darker colored goblin, an Imp is more like a Lizardmen, and a Greater Imp is more like a Magic Casting Winged Giant. Incubuses / Succubuses: Incubi and Succubi are mid-sized demons with very appealing bodies meant to charm and lure in those of the opposite gender or those who like the same gender. Incubi are tall, mysterious, dark, handsome, and muscled in all the right ways. Their wings are a deep color having them tunk into their back allowing them to maintain that allure that most females desire. Succubi are beautiful and blessed by nature with large bosoms and breasts which appeal to males. They are curvy hourglass shaped with a soft complexion, their wings can be seen by those who desire them to do so, otherwise their wings are hidden behind them with magic. Both Incubi and Succubi are humanoid sized with very soft complexions allowing them to change their appearance at will, true sight which can see through magic and illusion can see them for what they are, beautiful people with horns, claws, wings, and wicked evil smiles. There are some brave souls who can see them for what they are and still tend to mate with them. Incubi and Succubi tend to feed on the magic power of their targets by luring them in and charming them to feed on them. This causes problems in major societies so they have adapted to the times creating dens where people come and using a contract they give their magic powers to a contracted Incubus or Succubus to get very pleasant dreams in return, allowing them to have deep dream filled sleep. Sometimes they act as companions or even as adult workers using their powers to make themselves even better then they would be on their own to drain someone of their fluids allowing them to take even more magical energy from a target. On some occasions one may even take a permanent magically powerful mate and pamper them for the rest of their life as they take their immense powers. Illusion based magic spells allow the Incubi and Succubi to maintain a slight change of appearance to the people that interact with them allowing them to see what excites them the most. Unlike Imps who grow massive in size and magical powers, the Incubi and Succubi gain stronger magics and better abilities to hide. They will also begin to completely shed their demonic influences like their wings and tails. A greater Incubi and Succubi will have all the magical powers and charms but have no demonic influences. They will still steal magic and charm others, but they are completely hidden inside the populace allowing for them to continue their growth in power. As they hit the power of Lord and Lady respectfully, they will begin to start their own families and may choose to invoke their demonic powers once more. At this point they are nearly impossible to kill since they can charm almost anyone who crosses their path. Their natural powers of charm and absorption of magical essence allows them to be charismatic enough to lead people and cults alike. They can stay alive forever due to their need to consume power, they are seen more as Vampires due to their need to feed and love of the dark and quiet nightlife where no one judges. Satyrs: Satyrs are demonic evolved beings created from the union of beast magics and people, or people turning into beasts with demonic magics. They stand tall and slim with goat-like appearances. Having Horns sprout from their heads with their size growing larger and longer over their lives as they grow in power. Their horn is removed in a growth spurt process every 50 years and has strong potent magic inside which is used in many different potions and enchantments. They have goat-like hooves for feet, light fur over their bodies, goat-like faces and eyes, and sharp claws. A single Satyr alone in an area is seen more like a powerful monster that is easy to kill for the unsuspecting adventures. Since they can wield weapons, they are absolute terrors across the battlefield as they can shoot off magic spells and charge their enemies. They tend to be a trickster type of mysterious people staying by campfires out in the wild due to their unique appearances sporting traveling cloaks to hide themselves. As they grow from Lesser Satyrs into Satyrs and Greater Satyrs, their size and powers greatly increase and they can use far stronger known magics. Their growth in size makes them easier to hunt so they tend to hide in deep dark places like labyrinths and caverns. Dungeons are a good place to find them since they can find new magical spells and great treasures for themselves and their people. Many grow hungry for treasures and power and maintain their den within these dark places losing their personality in exchange for more demonic power. This has made them powerful obstacles for explorers and adventurers alike on many worlds. Harpies: Harpies are people who build their nests high in the trees on the highest of cliffs and mountains, causing them to be almost like a village hidden in the skies. The Lesser Harpies are smaller 2 ft winged demons who are pack hunting by nature. As they grow in power and evolve to Harpies their size increases to around 3.5-4 ft tall and gain magic powers to control the wind around them. Their arms have their wings fused to them instead of individual arms and wings like most other demons. Their feet are primarily their combat weapons having large sharp talons and they can excrete a powerful paralytic and poisonous liquid which can paralyze, cripple, poison, and cause deep gushing bleeding wounds. Even though they are small, they can be trained to use weapons and some armor. Some of the best gladiator fighters are Harpies who fight with swords and shields wearing full chainmail armor. The most powerful of Harpies can become powerful magic casters or even strong combat warriors able to hold their own above the ground or in the skies versus even the most fiercest of aerial combatants. A flock of Lesser Harpies can devour a Dragon while a few Harpies can take care of a few Dragons. Once the Harpy is strong enough to become a Greater Harpy, it is able to multicast powerful wind based magics as it has developed more wings in their back and a new pair of functioning arms. They are powerful enough to become a calamity as they can spin rapidly to spin up Tornadoes and using new water magics they can even create powerful Hurricanes. Their lust for power and greed for trophies of ruined people and civilizations makes them keep away from everyone and everything. They live their lives as queens of the mountain top in solitude. They use magics to hide who they are and become powerful witches aiding travelers and visitors alike while promising great power to the kings of the nations below them. When their deals fall through the witch eats the children and consumes the kingdom as a mere game. Hounds / Beasts: Large creatures the size of Bulls who have sharp fangs and claws. They can develop thick armor plating made up of scales or hardened hide. They have massive powerful single, double, or even triple tails capable of breaking trees as they pass through the forest. They grow in size splitting into multiple heads gaining powerful magics and adapting to their environments becoming adapted hunters. They can evolve into the animals around them and will gain many different names and titles over their various looks and powers. Most of the time they often are referred to as mythical or supernatural dog-like entities, frequently depicted as loyal companions, hunting beasts, or even ominous creatures like hellhounds. They are often characterized by their keen sense of smell, exceptional speed, and sometimes even magical abilities like breathing fire or casting magical storms around them. Hunting Hounds are loyal, skilled canine companions used by hunters in fantasy worlds, often with special abilities like tracking scents over long distances or exceptional agility. Guardian Hounds are large imposing dogs guarding important locations like castles or sacred sites, sometimes with supernatural powers to ward off intruders. Hellhounds are fearsome, demonic dogs associated with the underworld, often depicted as black with fiery eyes and a terrifying presence with powerful auras of magic to inflict fear and terror on others. Spectral Hounds are ghostly dogs that appear as apparitions, sometimes seen as omens of misfortune or death. They can have a physical body and can fade out to dodge attacks. They are highly susceptible to magic spells and attacks against them. The empire has some notable examples which have reigned terror down on various worlds and is used to show how powerful they can become if left unchecked to grow and adapt. Cerberus: The three-headed guard dog of the Underworld in Greek mythology from the world Terra Prime is a powerful hellhound. Garmr: A monstrous wolf-like hound in hailing on the world Thimilhind, destined to fight against and consume the gods becoming a dive monster on a quest to consume even the world itself. The Hound of Baskerville was a famous hound from the world known as ACD-S-Holme. Spirit Wolves, summoned by powerful far seers and shamans can become allies to assist and hunt targets down for them. Demons of Envy: The demons of Envy are quick to anger, defensive of themselves, and selfish, thinking more about themselves than others. This leads them to be in constant competition between rivals to see who can have more than the other. They are dangerous to whomever they deem an enemy to themselves and their kin with others, and will use all their scorn to make their lives miserable. Mainly these demons prefer to keep their distance in battle, using ranged weapons like bows. Unlike the other demons, none of their kind develop markings, so through scarification they carve out designs in their skin. They tend to focus on carving magic runes on their bodies in the forms of demonic scripts which allows for special magics to be used but can cause those non demon people to read them have their eyes burn out by the demonic scripts and power. They can use magic to stop others from injuring themselves when they look and read their demonic scripts. The demons of envy tend to have sharp jagged horns, a crooked tail, multiple different sized eyes, uneven scarification of runic script, and sharp jagged teeth. They are a chunky kind of demon which is envious towards all other attractive demons and people alike causing them to become very envious and scorn those who gain their eire. Demons of Envy are twisted from the wants and desires of those who deem themselves undesirable, they will steal the parts of others to improve their own and will constantly battle their inner self for the want and desire to be more while not being accepting. As they grow in power from a Lesser Demon to a regular Demon they shrink in size, they will become a beautiful yet inner conflicted destructive monster who will never truly accept who or what they really are. When they become a Greater Demon they are able to twist themselves between their beautiful outer form into their horrific inner demon form to show their power over the other demons before them. Demons of Gluttony: The demons of gluttony are obsessed with all forms of consumption from foods to power and everything in between. They tend to be fat with power, food, and knowledge. Like the demons of envy they will also carve magic runes on their bodies in the forms of demonic scripts which allows for special magics to be used but can cause those non demon people to read them have their eyes burn out by the demonic scripts and power. They tend to become great sorcerers and magic casters from their intense knowledge. The demons of gluttony tend to have 4 arms, large tusks, 2 tails, lipless mouth, spiked snake tongue, and large horns. They are a obese demon which is full of all things power, knowledge, and food. Nobility and those who obtain great power are the ones who turn into demons of gluttony. It all starts with a small hunger, like a tiny flame in a forest. As they gain more power, knowledge, wealth, food, or whatever that is their desire, they begin to change as their flame begins to devour all around. As they grow in power and become a Demon they grow extra sets of legs and arms. When they become a Greater Demon, they become lord of their treasure hordes and treasure pits. Their size is massive, when they take to the battlefield each one of their massive arms wields huge weapons the size of trees as a single swing of their large demon axe can cleave forests. They are hailed as Pit Lords enhancing their bodies with magics allowing them to fly for short distances and glide from high points into the enemies below them. Demons of Greed: The demons of greed concern themselves only with battles or encounters that benefit them greatly. If there's nothing in it for them they won't budge, on special occasions they may appear before a wealthy individual to offer them deals for their wealth and riches. They constantly have a rivalry between the demons of Pride to see who can be the most wealthy, with gold and gems making up a vast part of their clothing and culture as a whole. They are masters of thievery and will shed their gold and jewels in exchange for a shadowy cloak if they can get even more riches, they will then use that cloak to steal back all the riches and more from those who would sell them such great items. They carve golden demonic runes on their bodies which furthers their powers of greed. They tend to have soft eyes, soft hooves, small horns, a long slender tail, and 2 arms to grab even more things. The darker, more shady people tend to become demons of greed as they are changed by the dark energies twisting them due to their immense lust for greed. As they evolve from a Lesser Demons into Demons they gain a slimmer more elegant appearance as they can swiftly step in the night and maintain a perfect well kept appearance to be graceful. As they become a Greater Demon of Greed, their stealth and thievery is replaced by an immense arrogance and self indulgence of the absolute finest things they can find. They will send out throngs of endless demons to take everything they wish for in a haste unneeded on a world to build their wealth and lust to greater heights. Demons of Lust: The demons of lust stay youthful and beautiful due to their innate magic life absorbing abilities. They tend to use any means of magic and power to continuously obtain anything that someone would lust for. They tend to make contracts with mostly younger or more impressionable people to take everything from them using their looks and prowess. They will steal their life essence and beauty, turning their female victims into withered old ladies and leaving the males with a night filled with bliss completely drained into a withered husk . They tend to be very pretty looking people with flawless smooth skin of any shade and complexion and they try to have no features besides their pretty black eyes. As their magic grows weaker their beauty wanes and they begin to show their twisted horrific appearance, their lust is so powerful it will turn them into the most beautiful of people but their mind is twisted with hatred and disgust as they become less then 100% perfect. Starting out trying to make money in deep dark alleys, becoming so good at your job you took in as a high class entertainer and then developing a lust which was mistaken for great passion as you slowly turn into a demon of lust desiring all manners of things. As they go from Lesser Demons into Demons their powers begin to affect all of those around them causing people to become lustful and their desires increase drastically. They begin to feed off all those around them who are under their lustful effects. At the power of a Greater Demon, their power can affect entire cities turning them into dens of lust. Demons of Pride: The demons of pride are larger than life from everything they do to how they behave. They are over the top with grand names and long titles even those belonging to the lowest family can have names as long as spell incantations. When they get together they introduce themselves and their introductions can last for hours to even days. When they finally complete their introductions their words have spelled out many different incantations and can cast very powerful magic spells by accident. Each demon of pride thinks of themselves as a king or queen among peasants. Though their pride is mainly individual, there is also a larger sense of pride for their kin second only to the pride they see in themselves. They believe them to be the absolute best and strongest above all other demons and races in this world. They have ongoing battles of wealth versus the demons of greed, battles of titles against other demons of pride, and battles of appearances against the demons of lust. They are a people who focus on having no imperfections and will remove their wings, claws, and other appendages regardless of the pain it may bring to be the most perfect. The most pretty, the most fair, the most intelligent, the most desirable, the most righteous, the most caring, the most loving, the most prideful. All statements which involve them being the greatest or the most, are what describes the people who are high and mighty and believe themselves to be above all others. This changes them with dark magic into a demon of pride. It is a fine line to walk, taking pride in oneself won't directly lead to becoming a demon, but those habits alongside needing everything to be completely perfect all their life will turn them into s prideful demon. As they grow from a Lesser Demon into a Demon they become stronger and more prideful which turns them into an icon to lead. After they arrive at the top and become a Greater Demon reaching the pinnacle of all things, they challenge the previous Greater Demon of Pride to take their place and all others that come after them. They must be the best, the only one, the absolute, all others are beneath them. Demons of Sloth: The demons of Sloth are slow and methodical in all things they do. They prefer to manipulate others into doing their dirty work for them, laying the seeds of power, control, or fate. They adhere to a strict routine of meditation and ritual magic casting which might look like they are sleeping to outsiders as they build magic in a more natural undetectable way. Their magic is vast and powerful but slow to build up like a river slowly cutting through a valley over the course of generations. This makes them dangerous with premeditated, predetermined, planned attacks from any and all sources of power they possess. They will always choose to hide in plain sight or in the most stealthy of places and avoid any and all confrontation to allow them to cast their magic in peace. The demons of sloth tend to be fat from magic power and food able to survive on their own bodies for centuries if need be to cast their spells. They have large tusks and hooves on their 4 legs, sharp clawed hands on their 4 arms, a large serpent-like tail with a flattened edge to launch things far in front of them, and many eyes to see all around them. As they grow into a Demon they become more humanoid, shrinking in size and losing their tail and extra set of arms. As they become a Greater Demon they lose their extra legs and eyes and become a hunch back of a person. They cover themselves in cloth and wield their magic as an old hermit. Demons of Wrath: The demons of wrath revolve entirely around the circle of violence, not death or killing but the overall act of violence. They will kill a target in ritual one on one combat out of respect and will always state their name and know the enemies name. They will always fight in a similar way with the rules of the duel and if their opponent breaks the rules they will go all out with near world ending magic to ensure their absolute win against their foe. They are easy to anger if rules of the duel are broken, they are very powerful as they ignore pain and keep on attacking to shed as much blood as possible for the violence it causes. They excel at close quarters combat no matter how many enemies surround them they will still offer their opponents the right to duel. If they accept it will be one on one until one of them has broken the coven. Due to their constant duels and bloody warring their bodies are highly scarred. In their culture the more scars you have the more battles you survive, meaning the more respect you deserve from all other demons. Even the most envious of demons will scar themselves to match the number of scars a power demon of wrath may have. They have 3 massive eyes, sharpened claws and fangs, a short large spiked tail, a small horn in the center of their forehead, battle scars, and large hooves. May the blood flow, the battles rage, and the rage stay raging. The Lesser Demons of Wrath use no weapons in their combat. Once they have killed thousands, they can then begin the duels. After evolving into a Demon, they gain more arms and claws to do battle as they grow larger. Evolving into Greater Demons of Wrath their combat prowess explodes and their anger fuels their power. The more blood they shed the faster they heal, as they claim the lives of those around them, they gain a small portion of their abilities. They are strong, so strong that they ignore all other demons around them in the normal setting and as they pass through the ranks all the non wrath demons will give them space to pass by and not anger them. Once a wrath demon ripped the heads off an entire coven of demons of pride and envy who were in a territory conflict because they broke through a wall and bumped him out of his path. Faction Traits: Age: Demons are seen as ageless but that is more of a misconception than anything. Demons will grow darker over time as their magic powers begin to wane however the higher ranked demons have the ability to extend their magic powers by consuming the powers of others and that's why high ranking demons have entire families that serve them as they slowly leach their powers away unknown to most of the family members. Morality: Demons typically are evil beings which can only live to serve themselves and extend their lives due to their power hungry nature. Size: Most demons are of Medium size, with smaller lesser demons like Imps being Small sized, and Demon Lords being Large sized. Languages: They speak of demonic tongues and languages unknown to many other races. They can speak the Common language and the language of their parents. They can understand the demonic language by birth, they may unlock that core memory by reading the demonic text or even hearing it spoken which will unlock their core knowledge of the ancient demonic language.
Divines Divines are beings that project the holy cosmic magics into the great void that is themselves. They are a shell which contains the light of the heavens themselves. As they are born they are hailed as deliverers of the light and have an upbringing within the clergy and churches on the worlds they hail from. As their powers over divinity improve they will unleash their radiance and this is used to gain better positions within the church. Only the best adventurers or those who train their divinity will be able to obtain higher levels, but it takes great sacrifices to maintain their powers over the light. The divine people are not a group who live together and grow together, but instead are those who are just randomly born somewhere where the light is needed. In stories of distant fantasies and ancient tales on many different worlds, a great hero rises in power to stop evil. These heroes who use the powers of light to battle the darkness and demons who thrive in it are not just heroes but are divine beings themselves. Divines when they tap into their Divinity will have golden glowing eyes and their hair will become a golden blond color. They will grow far stronger, enhancing their strength and allowing them to use divine and holy spells to heal the wounded and cure the sick. As they grow stronger and always choose others over themselves and help those in need they can enter their Divinity First Form. This grants them a golden Halo above their heads which is seen to all of those they deem worthy to. Their powers are more enhanced and they can further reach all of those in need. This is where most church goers will stop their training since they can hold the position of chief clergy or even the leader of a church. Once they give up all their attachments they are on the path of Divinity, the hardest part is they must also give up all romantic feelings and lustful desires. This allows them to Transcend into their Divinity Second Form. This allows them to gain a large golden barrier around them and the abilities to protect others in a golden bubble. It heals and restores the body and flesh of all who is inside by converting the magic around them into holy healing magic power. Those who can obtain this form are the highest and most respected within the church and clergy. Very few of them have maintained this form due to the absolute good faith required without corruption and desires. After great sacrifice giving themselves up to the greater good and nearly dying in the process they can gain their new form Divinity Third Form. Their barrier grows larger encompassing the space around them and radiating golden light, they develop a large golden aura which solidifies into a super huge angelic warrior. It gains 2 massive arms and a powerful chest as it begins to take the form of a powerful warrior. The weapons and armor it uses are dependent on the user themselves and are powerful enough to cause disasters or seal away entire entities. Once they give up all feelings and nerve responses in their body they can begin to channel cosmic magic into their bodies, burning them from the inside and being healed by their Divinity. It allows them to enter into a painful repentance allowing them to strive through the unbearable pain to enter into their Divinity Fourth Form. In this form their Divinity has a fully sized massive Angelic Aura body standing between 10-50 ft tall having better weapons, arms, armor, and legs. Some can take the form of angelic warriors, horsemen, mages, or other cosmic entities. A single slash of their weapon will level forests, a stomp will split the earth, a punch can destroy a mountain. They are so insurmountably strong that they are far and few inbetween. The very few of them that obtain such high levels of Divinity are watched and used by the empire, if they ever get out of line they are immediately destroyed by someone far stronger. Factions: There is only a small group of Divine people out in the universe whose origins are unknown but they tend to just appear by magical portal in a random place or are born in a time of need. They are seen as holy people because of their special unique abilities no other race or group poses with their powers and control over the light. They have been mistaken as sages, prophets, clergy, angels, gods, and heroes by all the other various peoples of the world they are on due to their unique circumstances. Levels of Divinity: Divinity First Form: This grants them a golden Halo above their heads which is seen to all of those they deem worthy to. Their powers are more enhanced and they can further reach all of those in need. This is where most church goers will stop their training since they can hold the position of chief clergy or even the leader of a church. Once they give up all their attachments they are on the path of Divinity, the hardest part is they must also give up all romantic feelings and lustful desires. Divinity Second Form: This allows them to gain a large golden barrier around them and the abilities to protect others in a golden bubble. It heals and restores the body and flesh of all who is inside by converting the magic around them into holy healing magic power. Those who can obtain this form are the highest and most respected within the church and clergy. Very few of them have maintained this form due to the absolute good faith required without corruption and desires. Divinity Third Form: Their barrier grows larger encompassing the space around them and radiating golden light, they develop a large golden aura which solidifies into a super huge angelic warrior. It gains 2 massive arms and a powerful chest as it begins to take the form of a powerful warrior. The weapons and armor it uses are dependent on the user themselves and are powerful enough to cause disasters or seal away entire entities. Once they give up all feelings and nerve responses in their body they can begin to channel cosmic magic into their bodies, burning them from the inside and being healed by their Divinity. Divinity Fourth Form: In this form their Divinity has a fully sized massive Angelic Aura body standing between 10-50 ft tall having better weapons, arms, armor, and legs. Faction Traits: Age: Humanoid life spans between 90-120 years old. The stronger their divinity and power the longer they live as their powers of Divinity grow stronger and the need to fulfill their requirements increase. Morality: They tend to be morally righteous and good in their daily lives. Size: They are the average size of most humanoid races. Languages: They speak the Common language and the language of the angels and gods.
Dragons The race of dragons are large magical creatures which have full rule over the skies. They hunt large creatures, terrorize the world, and cause immense destruction. They tend to do this in their youthful years as they age their magic becomes more focused and controlled allowing them to enter their human-like dragon form. They have many powerful weapons at their disposal like their sharp claws and fangs, large area breath attacks, and massive tail whip. In their human form they can use their Breath attack and their claws and fangs still remain just in a smaller form. They carry their magic power all the same and a single punch can topple a building. As they set out on their adventure they seek the treasure of their hearts desire to build their horde in a nest they choose to create. Once they have all the riches they desire and their nest is complete they will find a partner to bear children with which will cause the race to most likely die as it births a massive rapid growing egg from inside their body. Their human form maintains some of their dragon features like smaller versions of their horns, whiskers, tail, and sharp fangs. They keep their dragon eyes and their eyesight and scent are enhanced greatly just not to the point of a dragon. Their body has smooth skin as their scales are overlapped in such a fine way they appear to be smooth. More or less human blood can make them appear to be a smoothed skin Humanoid or Elf like person where less human blood means they can resemble Lizardmen like or Kobold. Their scales help to dissipate the magic spells that hit them and make for powerful pierce resistant weapons. Factions: Dragons come from various scale colors which denotes what elemental magic powers they possess. Red dragons breath fire, blue dragons breath pressurized water, yellow dragons breath lightning, green dragons breath pressurized wind blasts, brown dragons breath sharp earthen spikes, white dragons breath holy blasts, black dragons breath darkness blasts, and finally purple dragons breath poisoned. This makes them live as a family due to their color and breath type. As they mate with another, on extremely rare occasions a perfect hybrid dragon will be born with dual elements which share the magic powers and appearance of both. Otherwise when a new dragon is birthed, its color and breath weapon will determine what family it will live with. Dragons are reclusive individuals who live away from other beings and hunt mostly monsters and creatures who invade their skies or territories. They can use other magic spells and most weapons in their humanoid form, but their main preference determines their family. The longer they live the more they mature and the stronger they become, it is said that century old dragons stay in their humanoid forms and act as powerful warriors and mages as aid to the empires they serve. They can act as old hermits and guides, or even shamans and spiritual casters who have lived longer than most. Fire Dragon: The fire dragons are a rowdy bunch which tend to do a lot of fighting on the mountain tops scaring off many other prey. They are loud and rambunctious while always declaring themselves whether they be in human or dragon form. In their human form they tend to create their clothing using their own magics and their clothing is a modest style while sporting all red and black trim. They have red hair and red eyes while in their human forms. Breathing fire down on their enemies burning them to a crisp is a pastime they greatly enjoy. They are prideful being the strongest of the dragons since the flames of the dragon are the raw power of the dragon. Water Dragon: The water dragons are a quiet studious bunch which tend to spend their time in their towers studying the world and their history and cultures. They are quiet and reserved in human or dragon form. In their human form they tend to create their clothing using their own magics and their clothing is a reserved style showing little to no skin. They have blue hair and blue eyes while in their human forms and seem more meek and well mannered. They use their Water Breath for the simpler things in life like bathing and cooking. To them, the simplicity of their studious life is all that matters to them. Wind Dragon: The wind dragons are a go with the flow kind of bunch, they spend much of their time traveling the skies seeing all kinds of unique things. In their human form they tend to create their clothing using their own magics and their clothing is a simple style of the area they are currently in. They have green hair and green eyes while in their human forms. They are super friendly and outgoing to others and will use their wind breath to move themselves about. They will help others in need like sailors in a dead ocean to get their sails up and moving again. Because they are free spirits, they tend to be more nomadic and go on long adventures to find themselves and be free. Earth Dragon: The earth dragons are a secluded bunch which tend to dig deep into the ground under hills or into mountains. Their bodies are a thick earthen material which can repel many different kinds of attacks. They are quiet and reserved in human or dragon form. In their human form they tend to create their clothing using their own magics and their clothing is a simple style mimicking what they see around them. They have deep brown hair and brown eyes while in their human forms but are rarely ever in their human forms. They can become very rowdy as battles may take place above where they sleep which causes them to wake and cause massive destruction to all those who dare disturb their sleep. In their human forms they are smaller and more stout, their magic making them appear as heavy mountain gnomes or skinny dwarves as they are sometimes called. They enjoy eating gemstones and ores which after it goes through their body will be broken down into almost seed like ore which will grow into more ore chunks when implanted into a magical pile of dirt. They are the main cause of the spread of the various kinds of ores people want. Because the earth dragons are the larger non winged dragons of the subterranean worlds, they are separate from each other and their human size is quite surprising. When a dragon dwarf punches something, it will shatter below its might. This happens to walls and granite pillars the same. Lightning Dragon: The lightning dragons are a proud bunch which tend to do a lot of fighting on the mountain tops and in the skies causing various storms to brew. They are loud and proud in human or dragon form. In their human form they tend to create their clothing using their own magics and their clothing is a loose baggy style while sporting all yellow and orange trim. They have yellow hair and yellow eyes while in their human forms. They rival the Fire Dragons in terms of fighting power due to their intense speed. Their lightning breath will arc to nearby things when it strikes causing high damage and starting fires. People fear the red dragon for it breathes fire, when they find out a lightning dragon is around however, their city will fall to a fire storm unlike any other with intense winds and rain. Hailed as the great storm dragons even though they don’t use water directly, they are powerful enough that they generate electrical storms and will live near power generators on more modern worlds so it comforts them as they sleep since it arcs and bounces across their scales. Poison Dragon: The poison dragons are a sweet gentle bunch which tend to hide out in poison swamps and bogs. They can easily poison entire water sources as they breathe deeply into it, turning it into a deep poison swamp over a short while. Powerful adventurers will try to take on a quest to solve the mysteries of the poisoned water sources and will end up being eaten by a powerful dragon as they try to disturb their gentle calm waters. In their human form they tend to create their clothing using their own magics and their clothing is a tight well fitted style showing off all that they have to offer while sporting all shades of purples and deep green splotches and trim. They have purple hair and green or purple eyes while in their human forms. They do enjoy the solitude of their swampy dens but they do craze the outside world. When they do go outside, they are seen wearing a very strict outfit consisting of a mask which stops and filters their breath. Many people assume due to them wearing crazy looking tribal or scary masks that they are ugly or evil but in reality they are a gentle soul who doesn't want to hurt others. Holy Dragon: The holy dragons are a proud bunch like the lightning dragons but tend to be respected due to them resembling magical beasts bearing fur instead of scales. They tend to do a lot of research and thinking on various topics while being worshiped to their heart's content. In their human form they tend to create their clothing using their own magics and their clothing is of golden white robes. They have golden and white hair and white or golden eyes while in their human forms. Very few of them exist so they breed in secrecy and leave their welp with other trusted dragon friends to watch over it as it matures to a drake then it experiences the world as a dragon to be worshiped in the future. They tend to stay in their dragon forms because they are considered a guardian beast to be worshiped and humans will try to capture them in their human form for wicked deeds. Darkness Dragon: The darkness or dark dragons are a powerful bunch which builds their power over long periods of time, they are evil by nature and can devour souls to grow even stronger. They are evil and conniving, in human or dragon form they can eat any and all manner of creatures due to their intense dragon strength. In their human form they tend to create their clothing using their own magics and their clothing is a loose fitting black robes while sporting all red trim, at times they may wear black armor with red trim. They have black hair and black demon-like eyes while in their human forms. They are great villains who will destroy the world if given the chance. Their philosophy is to consume all of those who would oppose them. They are just a naturally evil entity who is proud of their wicked behaviors. Within the empire they serve alongside the demons to do battle against their enemy foes. They make up the bulk of the Dragon Corps and will decimate all enemies who stand in the ways of the fearsome black dragons. Faction Traits: Age: Dragons can live for thousands of years, where they begin to mature around age 20 and are fully grown to their massive size by 50 years old. Morality: They are morally gray with them doing actions as they see fit. Size: They are massive in size and weight who use their magic powers to aid them in movement and flying when needed. Languages: They speak the Ancient, Lizardmen, Dragon, and Dragonian Languages. In their Human-like form they can also speak the Common Language.
Dragonians Being descendents of dragons, hailing from great dragon slayers who have taken on the immense power and essence of the dragons they have slain are birthed as a hybrid of sorts. They are a race through generations of birthing in seclusion to be large 4 legged dragon bottoms with humanoid dragon top halves. They have been described as mixing the top half of a Lizardmen with the bottom half of a dragon. They are seen as a dragon race twisted by magics, however this is a race which is of dragon and humans. They are larger than centaurs with a massive dragon tail. Most of them have 2 arms and 4 legs. They are an outcast people on most worlds but will find their place on the larger ship crews in the empire. The dragons have long since forgave their close resemblance and now have taken the charge of assisting and training their lesser dragon kin. They will live together within their dragon lands and clans as helpers and assistants to the dragons who can transform into their human forms. Their scales help to dissipate the magic spells that hit them like dragons but they are less effective. Factions: Their powers are that of a dragon and human therefore they tend to be more charismatic than most dragons and they are more mature than most. When they take to the battlefield they are seen as a major threat due to their 2 arms wielding massive weapons being even more combat effective. The strongest of warriors is seen wielding a Sword and Shield as well as a Bow firing arrows in the distance and fighting up close. One legend is of Tonkor The Mage-Warrior. He was a powerful magic caster shooting off twin fireballs while cleaving through his enemies with his large great axe. Red Dragonian: Powerful flame breathing charging warriors, they rip and tear through their enemies as they leave a trail of flames in their wake. The older they get the stronger they become as their magic begins to adapt to the flames within them and slowly leaks out of their scales. They generate intense heat in an aura of flames and when in combat their flames can be so strong it will negate most spells thrown at them while they tear through the enemy ranks. Able to multi-cast reign of fire bolts while fighting the enemies in front of them, they will reign down a barrage of small dense fire bolts on a target. This makes their vanguard great siege weapons and barragers at the start of a war and the demons find them very useful. Blue Dragonian: Chilling and calm, these magic casters are adept at swimming through the waters and ice. They have 6 powerful legs with webbed dragon feet and a massive tail with flaps to help them swim at super high speeds. Their body is slender and long, almost serpent like, while they stand the tallest and are the longest of all Dragonian, they tend to stay within any body of water they can find. They build many different water and ice type spells that generate a cold storm wherever they go. As they glide through the water like they dance under the oceans, their spells build from the water undetected as they emerge from within and pierce their foes. Green Dragonian: Hailed as a ranged warlord, they enhance their bows and arrows to snipe at such long distances the enemies can’t determine where they come. They have a super heavy bottom half with very sturdy legs and 4 slim arms which allow them to draw back the largest bows ever seen. Once they draw their arrow it would be enhanced with powerful magics to pierce through even the thickest of wyvern hides and some dragon hides. Their bows were 9 ft steel bark bows with a draw strength of 400 lbs. Their 5 ft long steel arrow with a drilling cone tip could even rip through stone walls at 1000 yards when enhanced with magic. They tend to pack the tip with a pressurized concussion based wind spell so when it struck a large target like a wall it would explode in a shockwave which would weaken and destroy tough structures with ease. Brown Dragonian: The earth Dragonians are an interesting bunch of very small 2 foot standing versions living in the smallest cave systems. Although they are mostly a shrunken down size their magic powers are the full size. They use their breath attack which unlike the other Dragons and Dragonians is a powerful solid object. They condense their breath as they charge up a powerful large stone the size of their bodies and when they determine how far they need to go they fire the stone which cuts through the dirt and rock making new tunnels for them to travel about. If three of them link together the hole that is cut is around 4 feet in diameter allowing gnomes and dwarves to get through their holes somewhat easily. If more of them like together the larger the hole that is created, which can lead to entire perfectly created circular mine holes cut deep into mountains. The longer they charge the more dense and powerful their blast becomes, the demons have begun to use a sapper division unit consisting of Brown Dragonians who can cut through enemy walls and make tunnels under their enemies defenses. Yellow Dragonian: Although very few remain, the gold and yellow scaled ones can produce a potent lightning attack which arcs to nearby targets. Many of them remain on the ships as part of their engineering crew using their natural electric abilities to jump start tools and equipment. They are decently combat effective but mostly tend to be more patient and forward thinking about their own survival. Purple Dragonian: A horrific monster of a Dragonian with tentacles and appendages. They can pollute the area around them, dissolving the area, turning it into a swampy poison puddle the size of a field. The longer they sit the more potent it becomes, as their enemies approach them they will use their appendages and tentacles to splash and throw their poison swamp water at them. Their breath will produce a thick fog of poison which will be carried by the wind to infect many people at once. They are herald as the demons of plague and death as they can kill a large group of people in a city with ease. In the event the Purple Dragonian is called down on a world, they are escorted by the swarm who can use their evolutionary properties to gain their toxic abilities and become even more deadly to a world they wish to take. White Dragonian: The white Dagonians are an oracle type people respected by those as great magical deities. They are respected like the dragons due to them resembling magical beasts bearing fur instead of scales and have vast intuition and intelligence of the world. They tend to do a lot of research and thinking on various topics while being worshiped to their heart's content and being prime candidates for ancient summoning magics. They have golden manes and white fur with white or golden eyes and tend to wear various robes and clothing to depict their holy origins. More of them exist then the dragons above them but they are still so few in number that they turn to intelligent encounters over raw power. They can help assist ruling societies as a whispering ear to the king. Many of them are mistaken as Griffins or other holy beasts due to them not having a separate top half. The White Dragonian is a small furred dragon with a long body and is shaped like a Z which is why they see it as a Dragonian. It is not as large as its Holy Dragon counterpart and instead is only 3 feet long. Black Dragonian: The black dragonians are a powerful bunch which builds their power over long periods of time, they are evil by nature and can devour souls to grow even stronger just like their dragon counterparts but have a much smaller growth rate. They are evil and conniving as they eat any and all manner of creatures due to their intense dragon strength and appetite. They will use any and all means to consume, so they end up joining the great evils of the world to feed on all manners of things. They have black and gray scales, a long black spine-like mane, and black demon-like eyes. They are great villains who will destroy the world if given the chance and serve even the strongest of demons or villains as their primary generals or combat veterans. Faction Traits: Age: Like dragons, they can live for thousands of years. They begin to mature around age 50 and are fully grown to their massive size by 250 years old. Morality: They are morally gray with them doing actions as they see fit. Size: They are Large in size and are counted as such. Languages: They speak the Ancient, Lizardmen, Dragon, and Dragonian Languages. Being capable Mercenaries they have learned to speak the Common Language.
Dwarf / Dwarves The dwarves are a powerful crafting race of stout warriors who tend to live in deep mountains to harness their crafts before setting out in the world. Their skilled craftsmen are untouchable within the empire. Their work is valued highly as they can process raw ores more efficiently than machines. Using different kinds of magic to handle ores and other minerals make them great artisans, crafters, jewelers, and appraisers. Factions: Dwarves are powerful honor based clans and warriors who live in a caste-like society similar to humans. They see merit in all forms of craft and combat therefore they hold equal weight in their society. The major clans and their kin form large overarching groups which are led by a Forged. Each Forged has mastered their own craft at the rank of Grandmaster whose goods or skills are valued at that of the treasure horde of the dwarves itself. They train for many decades to obtain the rank of Master then must dedicate 100 years to the craft to raise it to Grand Master.They hold the position of Grand Master and have trained in the other various crafts at a Master level. The Grand Masters hold the rank of Forged through a vote to be on the Forged council to oversee all of Dwarf matters. They are seen as a hidden group who hides in their mountains and just work their forges to all of the people who have never seen or talked to a dwarf. This applies to the forge worlds in the empire, run mostly by a single group of dwarves each; the forge worlds are the main production hubs in the empire. The War Dwarves: The War Dwarves were forged on the battlefield. They fight off great monsters deep in the mountains and engage in any wars the Dwarves fight out in the world. They act as powerful Mercenaries for lords and other important political figures in the world but are soul bound by the Dwarves. They are forced to be summoned by the Dwarves in a time of war and when they give their services to someone they provide them with the Dwarven War Contract which states they will always answer the call of the Dwarves. They are highly capable powerful melee warriors and tend to become great knights, champions, or combat veterans. When they take to the battlefield they will charge their enemies and take them down as fast as possible. When in a time of need other dwarves will can upon their contracts to be protected. This has had some implications in the courts but overall the contract is respected and the situation is resolved. The Mage Smiths: They use powerful Rune Magic to forge the strongest of weapons and armor based on the current molds available to them. They use Magic Steel and Rune Magic to forge magical based equipment and are so skilled at their craft they can use their skills to apply a quick method to change the properties of their weapon in combat. They can do it to their allies' equipment as well which means they are a mobile forge. This allows a Mage Smith to carry high power in Dwarf society but in the greater world they are seen as sub par combat enchanters due to their Runes only lasting a mere day. The dwarfs preach that any skill, spell, or ability that can be applied even for a mere day is still more valuable than a sub par enchantment that can be used forever. This allows them to produce a high level of potent enchantments for a short endeavor. There was once a time a powerful Mage Smith was captured by the enemy and forced to enchant their equipment for their battle. He needed a day to which they gave him one without thinking. He did a powerful paralysis spell under the current runic spells he placed on the blade with a paralysis nullification spell. After they were winning the war the elite knights and soldiers with the equipment came under the effects of the paralysis spell and he was able to kill them and take the camp for himself. The Heavy and Stout: They say the mightiest warriors are those with clear minds who are able to think ahead mere moments or even minutes as a sort of precognition. These warriors who have a link to the Dwarf Mother can pull her magical alcohol life brew and gain insane resistances at almost no penalty. The only downside is they have to consume the brew for it to take effect. Outside of adventuring and combat they tend to stay within their clan drinking the brew constantly and ritually to ensure they are always at pure drunken bliss and connected to the Dwarf Mother. They see their way of life and clan as even more important than the Dwarven race itself and will protect it with a vigor and fire unlike any other. The other Dwarven races see their religious zeal as a mere religion but they give them great leverage due to them making up the majority of their most powerful warriors. They do not hold positions of power and spend their time in their clans robes when not in combat making them seem like priests wearing long robes to the outside world. Coming across one is like experiencing a bad drink. It smells awful, it hits hard, and it makes a mess of everything and everyone. As they summon their brews and take a long drink, they are empowered in an intense rage filled with drunken vigor. Their bodies will change to suit the desired resistances they need as they enter into a frenzy to fight against all odds. The Discoverers: Able to enhance their eyesight to see further and in more detail, making them have the eyes of the great Discoverpedes of the large mountains. They are huge centipede-like creatures which can see clearly through their earth using small vibrations. They are proud warriors who make great marksmen even in the deep dark caves. They tend to stick to light armor for better sneaking as they wander the caverns and explore them. In the outside world they are seldom seen with a bow since the world has a stereotype of Dwarfs being hardened combat warriors, they can become a stealthy assassin with silent arrows in the night living a double life. The hardened combat warrior by day and the secret bowman or ranger at night. They are a secluded bunch in the Dwarven culture remaining only to the side and always out of the way. They are slightly smaller and slimmer than most Dwarves and can be seen if you're looking for them. They make great assassins and do make up an unknown portion of assassins within the empire. They make stealth ranged combatants and fearsome stalkers in the dark, as they are skilled at traversing deep cave networks. They make good scouts and are often employed on various worlds as spies to perform espionage and sabotage various objectives to better the empire's war against them. The Extractors: Having spent their lives hunting and harvesting the trophies of monsters, they gain bonus skills in combat to deal more damage at vital parts to most beasts, creatures, and monsters alike. They take trophies of their kills going by a type they like and scaling up in size to show their pride in the kill. They believe in sharing in the hunt but will not take a trophy unless they deal 70% or more of the damage. Their main goal is to gain trophies from all the most notaries of beings and show them as prizes on their walls at home. They will hunt even the most ferocious of beasts and will always uphold the most honor amongst all of the Dwarves believing in the hunt and trophies far more than mere races. They use this drive to hunt to recover lost artifacts, to enhance their mining and resource gathering abilities, and explore ruins on various worlds. A few Extractors can set up an entire operation on a world and be able to maintain a decent living with their skills to trade what they find and sustain themselves as they hunt the wild game. Faction Traits: Age: Dwarves live a long life spans around 300 or so years. After their first 150 years they are a Grand Master of their chosen craft but most tend to take 50 years to learn a proficient level of a craft before becoming an adventurer. They have set out and after many centuries they have returned as a Grand Master Adventurer. Morality: They go by an honor system and believe highly in never questioning the great elders or the Forged. They will go against any and all decisions if it is in conflict with their Dwarven brethren. Size: They are a smaller build but are stout and built, some see them as a Gnome and calling them as such will begin instant hostilities. Languages: They speak The Dwarven and Dwarfish Languages as well as The Common Language.
Elementals Elementals are primordial beings made entirely of Magic Power. They are the raw natural power formed into various beings at their discretion. At times they may appear as a Magic Dense Form in the form of a humanoid figure or magical beast. They take on the major aspects of the thing they are in the form of but their damage is always considered magic damage regardless of weapon used and armor will always be light and magical. They are a unique race of condensed power that is able to walk amongst the people of the world or even unleash themselves growing massive in size acting as a supernatural magical disaster. Due to them being a consolidated mass of magical power, they are resistant to most if not all non magical attacks. Magic can harm them but even if they are nearly destroyed, so long as a small magical particle remains the Elemental will reform if it has enough time to do so. Factions: There are no real factions within the elemental kind, instead they only really interact with the similar types and unify as a whole type. They act like a council as well as a flock doing whatever one wants to but as a group. Flame Elementals: The elementals of the primordial flames are known by many names. Some call them Fire Elementals, Flame Elementals, or Red Elementals and are usually followed with earth elementals behind them which restores the charred earth. They are unpredictable storms of fire and will change direction on a mere whim just as their humanoid personalities will. They are temperamental and hot headed as they can fight with others on a whim. Using magic, they can stay as a small humanoid form and their magic can prevent their flames from going out of control. Nature Elementals: The elementals of the land and earth themselves are known by many names and travel around in unique ways. They travel as large walls of rolling mud and earth behind the Flame Elementals laying new earth and soil. Some call them Earth Elementals, Nature Elementals, Wall Elementals, Land Elementals, or Brown Elementals and are usually followed with Sea elementals behind them which reinvigorates the charred earth into tilled soil with seeds of life inside. They are dependable storms of earthen walls tilling the soil delicately and dutifully just as their humanoid personalities will. On their own they tend to stand still with no task to accomplish, they appear as a small rocky wall to overcome. Once they start moving they will knock off and crush all manners of things in mere moments. They are calm and collected individuals who shrink themselves with magic into a cracked stone like humanoid form. They follow all orders to the T without fail but will stand by and do nothing if they don't have an active task. Sea Elementals: The elementals of the water are known by many names and are called Water Elementals, Sea Elementals, Ocean Elementals, Oceanic Elementals, or Blue Elementals. They fill the land with heavy magic rains which promote growth from the seeds within and are usually followed with Storm elementals behind them. They restore the life of the land with their rains and winds to promote growth. The Sea Elementals are a predictable and devoted storm of life enhancing waters just as their humanoid personalities are. They are a go with the flow kind of people who have a desire and need to help those around them. They will assist where they can and help on any and all tasks they may have. Storm Elementals: Called Wind Elementals, Aerial Elementals, Storm Elementals, or Green Elementals. They are brash, jaded, sharp, unpredictable, and ever changing walls of winds wandering the great vast open plains with no cares in the world just like their human personality. These people are bashful, arrogant, mean, and egotistical in their daily lives. Faction Traits: Age: Their age is unknown, at some point they are born, develop intelligence, then make their condensed forms to wander the world. Morality: They have no morality and don’t have a desire for what is good or bad, they just do. Size: Depending on what form they take will determine their size being either Small, Medium, or Large. Languages: They speak the Ancient, the Primordial, and the Common Languages. They have a magical telepathic-like ability and can speak a somewhat comprehensible language directly into someone's mind to get their point across using magic.
Elf / Elves Hailing from the woodlands and deep forests on the worlds they dwell on. The elves are proud people who tend to keep to themselves and maintain their own societies. They are territorial people who will protect their people and their lands while maintaining a power level which will let them fight against the others who dwell alongside them. On the galactic level they have forgiven the other races' crimes and are a force of people who have freedoms unknown to many but second to the Beastmen themselves. As they are a people who have always been discriminated against in almost every world, within the empire they are given more autonomy and better placements for jobs they wish to work. Factions: The elves are a divided bunch with alliances running rampant and are now a unified force which accepts each other's differences. The Sky Elves, High Elves, and Forest Elves are a prideful, arrogant, and egotistical bunch while the City Elves are a humble, hard working, soft bunch of people. The Mountain Elves and Dark Elves tend to keep to themselves and are more reserved, while the Swamp Elves or swamp casters are very secluded; they are very kind to travelers, letting them stay a while and listen to their tales. The Sky Elves are a pirate like magic casting people who tend to focus on more bombardment means to solve their problems at a distance. High Elves are powerful magic casters who live in magical towers connected by portals. The Forest Elves are a very old lived group with great importance of tradition and family. The City Elves are hard working street rats who take on any and all jobs, even the shady ones. The Mountain Elves are dark skinned veteran hunters who are great at finding things and exploring the darkest depths. The Dark Elves are dark magic casters twisted by dark energies which they can control with great skill, the demonic influences makes their eyes a deep red and their body develops runes of their most casted spells. The Swamp Elves are a mystic group of people who follow ancient traditions and magical rituals to use their magic and guide their lives. Sky Elves: The sky elves are made up of broken groups who live on their ships which spend their time acting as pirates. Like the dark elves, they will pillage and raid their enemy vessels for goods and resources to sell. They will leave their targets intact so they can raid them once more. As they have entered into the empire fold they act according to the Empiric Galactic Pirate Rules and Regulations as they conduct their piracy. Following the rules to the book allows them to be pirates on the galactic level and maintain a good standing with the empire itself. In times of need, their ships may be pulled into the fleet for military pushes against their enemies on rare occasions and they are paid well for their service. High Elves: Starting out as magical towers inhabited by the high elves who use powerful arcane magics, they have now spread throughout the galaxy being able to maintain the portals used to travel to far away places. Secondary to the Dimensional Gates or what is commonly known as Gate used by the very few and Supremes of the Empire, their portals are essential to travel across vast distances in space. They maintain a web gate system consisting of massive portals allowing for ships to travel farther distances with less effects on their engines and drives. The dedicated can begin to learn how to use gates. High Elves are powerful magic casters who live in magical towers connected by portals. Forest Elves: Living with the land makes them entitled and proud. When the elves were once together on the same world, the Forest Elves made their way of life away from the cities and free of all things that bind. Their culture is focused around freedom, the pursuit of happiness, and the magic of the land and nature around them. They may be called things like travelers, shaman, wanderers, and nature loving Elves. They are masters of herbal knowledge and use their abilities to make tonics, potions, and brews that can help sooth any race. On the ships of the empire they tend to work in the medical fields helping aid in the relief of others while using their skills to meditate to a higher, more clear level. City Elves: Growing up on the streets in every major city, they are hungry for work to better suit their relatively poor life. From dark shadow work to the hardest working, they are expendable workers to most high ranking nobles. They have a better life in the empire, due to their environment they can breed quickly within the empire as they take on the worst jobs possible to make money. They have high prostitution and slave labor rates when compared to other races. Due to these higher rates, they make up the majority of elves within the empire at large as well as the majority on most worlds. Mountain Elves: From the darkest caves to the deepest depths, these adrenalin junkies seek out the most dangerous of places. They make great salvage operation crews, seekers of goods and knowledge, the finder of most people, and stalkers of the dark. Their darker skin makes others sometimes mistake them for Dark Elves and seeing one or the other without context can make for a difficult time later on. They can become great assassins and thieves, as they tend to blend into their environment. They join the various explorer crews and ships in the empire. Dark Elves: It is said that the taint of demons run deep within those who are unsuspecting of their dark desires which will twist them into Dark Elves who have a demonic taint as an amalgamation within them. This allows them to channel demonic magic and create powerful variants of the spells demons use with their ancient runic scripts. As they grow in power they become competent warriors and fight alongside demons in their great crusades and wars. The demonic influences within them make their eyes a deep red and their body develops runes of their most casted spells. This will allow them to just merely think of the spell and it will activate as the demonic runes empower them while binding them to demonkind. This binding of power is used on many unsuspecting people within the universe, the strongest powers always come at a great price. Swamp Elves / Snow Elves: The Swamp Elves are ancient spell casters whom many assume are witch doctors, shamans, and plague callers. They mainly aid travelers and the people who live near them by offering them their knowledge and powers at a cost. They used to hold grudges against the other elves for cursing them to fall from their high elf lives with the taint of the dark elves being twisted into plagued blister covered elves. They hold the powers and abilities to cure or make the cures in the form of potions for any magic based disease. They once withheld this knowledge for many generations cursing the various elves to die off in an early life before they made amends. Nothing holds them back in the galactic empire as they are healed of their taint from the demons themselves and now act as some of the most powerful healers and doctors in the empire. Once their taint was lifted it ripped the color and damaged skin from the Swamp Elves which turned their skin pale white and their eyes are bright blue, they have been called a by a new name Snow Elves. Faction Traits: Age: They are a very long lived race with their magic power dictating how long they live as their magic is used to turn into life essence prolonging their lives for centuries. Morality: They are morally righteous, hard headed, hard working, and an honest bunch of people. Size: They are tall slim people with different kinds of ears and noses. They can have long or short pointed ears, long or short pointed noses, and a smaller athletic build. They stand around 6 - 7 ft tall. Languages: They speak the Elvish and Common Languages. The Forest Elves additionally speak the Beastmen Language, the Dark Elves additionally speak the Demonic Language and the Mountain Elves additionally speak the Dwarven Languages.
Forsmon / Forest Creatures Various races which grew up in the magical infused forest allow for unique races to become the primary inhabitants in the Western Half of the Forest of Jornah of the world Theon Prime. The rich magic power changes the lands, the trees become infused and changed, some become monsters like Treants or powerful Ents. The ground grows large magical mushrooms which can produce various kinds of air born mist like substance. This has allowed for people of the trees, people of the dust, and people of the animals to be born from magical power and then reproduce furthering their species. They operate in smaller village-like areas with a larger city-like group where they cultivate a great magical mushroom tree village. Now in the empire they have taken their operations and are living on the galactic scale. Creating the Forsmon Station or Mushroom Station as many of the inhabitants call it, it is the homestation of all the races of the Forsmon or Forest Monster people. They literally took part of their world where they originated from long ago into the space station and changed the newfoundland into their new homeland. This has kept their numbers at a steady level as they attend the academy in their world then enter into either the military or work force as they leave their station after becoming an adult. Factions: The races developed with small tensions but as the expansions of major races in the world began to shrink their forests they have become a united bunch helping each other in any ways possible. They are a combined force of Dryads, Fairies, Furbolgs, Gnolls, Kobolds, and Pixies. Dryads: The dryads are a powerful mystic bunch of people. Although they are powerful protectors they also maintain the balance of the forest they are in and act as their regulators. Their connection to the magic power of the forest itself means that no race can take more than another as they are the ones who are the keepers of the flow. Many dryads can go power hungry, hide away, or even become possessive of all things in the forest. Their race is a long aged one with their longevity being dictated by their magic power from the forest itself. They usually act as a trio of dryads who watch over each forest making sure to keep each other in balance. When they gain the experience needed they will travel to another forest and act as the new peacekeeper of that new forest and from them and the newfound power they receive form the forest they create 2 more dryads. When a dryad dies the forest needs some time to recreate a new dryad to take over. All dryads are connected to each other in their forest while they can tap into the world itself to converse with the dryads of other forests. They act as a larger council of forest keepers from their own forests allowing the various races to exist and to watch over them. They have a direct connection to the gods themselves and are at the same rank as the gods watch from above and the dryads watch from below. After their introduction into the empire, their homeland is given much more magical power ensuring more powerful races and the ability to create any number of Dryads needed without stopping if needed. They make sure to create Dryads as needed and only use them as life givers and watchers. On colony ships and space stations Dryads are considered good luck and fortune as they oversee all plant and farm life to ensure life always has a way. Dryads can be evil in some situations as they will always push the needs of life over the needs of crew without killing them. There was once a time that a Dryad took control of a stations systems and put the oxygen levels in all the areas down to a dangerous level for just long enough for the oxygen absorbing plants to be flooded with life so they can create the needed gasses for the oxygen producing plants to maintain the correct levels in their disastrous time of need. The Dryad was charged with the crime but after the trial and the explanation the Dryad was released with no ill intent and no one was hurt. Now Dryads are required to state what they are going to do and if they want to answer questions they can freely but the preservation of all life is in the hands of the Dryads. Fairies: Small creatures which have beautiful wings, they flutter about as keepers and small protectors of the forest. They are surprisingly powerful magic casters able to fire powerful spells. Their studies of magic allow them to always keep a spell charged and ready. They were often captured and kept in magical jars or lanterns within human societies during the early wars when they ventured out of their forest. Now fairies make powerful ambush troops as they can use their small stature to make their way into an enemy camp and rain fire down on them. Fairies live deep in the trees and have an impressive civilization which mimics humans, so when they enter into the military they are treated as soldiers who just flutter around instead of walking or running. The magical Fairy Corps consists of Fairies and a few Pixies to sweep across the battlefields and take out forward scouts. As they grow older, they will pass their knowledge and power onto their offspring. Fairies tend to be more outgoing and charismatic as they have a desire for the other races. Using their magic they can increase their size to almost the size of a person with tiny wings, as they can use their newfound size to satisfy their desires. Ent / Treant: The large ents who guard the forest can mimic trees as they will close their eyes and seal their mouth to blend into the forest. Due to the magic constantly being released they are hidden even while using magic to see what is around them. The Treants are small, more agile tree people who are more akin to being around the dryads and other forest creatures. Both are power defending warriors who will protect their forests with Ents being larger and taller in size, able to throw large rocks and rip trees from the ground to use as massive club-like weapons, and being over all slow and lumbering. The Treants are faster with more legs and can quickly dart around the forest acting as quick scouts and mounted warriors. They are the elite troops and royal guards of the Dryads and they can be summoned with their magic to inhabit the nearby trees and create the beings they need. They have little personalities as they mimic those around them and if given enough power from the Dryad they will become an active being and live their life from that point onwards in service to the forests and the Dryad herself. Furbolgs: A more primitive faction of large heavy bear beasts like people who will walk on two or four legs. They can sprint farther on four legs, stand and fight with two legs, and even have the intelligence to cast magic spells. They are magically tough, able to reduce some damage received and like to get into scuffles. They act as the primary combat force of the forest and serve as large guards to Gnoll traders and merchants. They are seen as lesser races to the beastmen even though they can be related to their origins but are given more credibility due to their combat power and overall strength. They can usually be seen on councils of other beastmen and are the representatives of the mushroom races due to them being the only group allowed in beastmen councils. Many people will mistake them for Beastmen due to their size and appearance that they spend much of their lives correcting people. They have made their own way of life in the galaxy due to the low population of Werebears within the empire and their large population. They will make great bodyguards and warriors to noble houses and Magistrates within the empire. Gnolls: Capable and determined, they are able to use most kinds of weapons and armor that they see others use. They usually use a few Kobolds and or Furbolgs to act as their body guards while they set up various trading posts in many different cities. They are a race similar to beastmen like the Furbolgs and Kobolds but are their own magical mushroom forest race. They make good traders and merchants due to their excellent scent.. They are seen as lesser races to the beastmen even though they can be related to their origins due to their dog-like natures. Their favorite things are big weapons on sticks, explosions, money, and anything they can steal to resell for profit. They like to use massive flails, morning stars, axes, and canes in combat, while employed in the military they tend to use heavy weapons. This makes others want to steer clear from their constant laughter and screaming as they shoot the heavy weapons. Kobolds: Agile and dexterous, they are able to use most kinds of weapons and armor but tend to use light armor and act as scouts. They like to avoid pixies at all costs if wounded like the other races and soon the galaxy knows to fear the carnivorous lust of the pixie. Sometimes referred to as furred lizardmen, they are a race similar to beastmen like the furbolgs and gnolls. They will use long ranged weapons like bows, crossbows, assault rifles, rifles, and sniper rifles. Their long distanced sharp shooter eyes make them able to see extremely far and their non scaled body lets them stay in the wild longer with no dryness. Pixies: The pixies are a larger, more vicious version of a fairy who are very kind and caring towards all creatures of the forest and in the galaxy. They are feared across the empire due to their voracious eating habits as they will devour the wounded using magic to keep them alive to enjoy their meal in a state of bliss while the prey is screaming in agony. The Pixie Corps is deployed on the battlefield to help mend and aid the wounded as they are under strict orders to become berserked when attacked and chase down any prey not affiliated with the empire. Faction Traits: Age: Their age seems limitless due to their origins being magical by nature. There only seems to be war based death with some of the creatures living since the beginning of their creation. Morality: Their individual morality seems to be honest and pure by nature but can be influenced by most things in life like all others. Size: The Fairies and Pixies are Small sized creatures which tend to flutter about, while the other races are normal sized around the size of a Human or Short Terran. The Furbolgs and Ents are the largest size of the Forsmon Creatures. Languages: They speak the Common language as well as their own Forest Speak using a form of magical telepathy generated by their thoughts being sent by magic across the air to the target.
Giants The giants are nomadic like people who travel in small groups as they wander about on various worlds or places within the empire. They stand between 9 and 16 feet with their oldest and strongest giants standing closer to 16 feet. When born as an infant they are already around 3 feet and have most of their core function and controls over their bodies, as they grow older their intelligence increases at a rapid rate until they are at 6 ft tall. At this point their intelligence is usually fully developed and they are considered an adult. They wear modified clothing and uniforms due to them being larger and using more fabrics they are quite expensive. Their tall and large frame allows them to use modified mech suit weapons and armors. Factions: Giants are a unified people but act as groups. They will consist of many different factions in each group but don’t discriminate or prosecute any giant that loses a fight and gets taken into their group. They are like large families where they fight each other for new members. Every now and then when resources, foraging, or hunting grounds run low they will split their groups and continue to roam the lands. They are seen as large, lumbering people and are left alone as they roam the lands. When deployed in combat they are avoided at all costs due to them carrying weapons like massive chainguns, autocannons, or even a scatter launcher. They are large joyous people who are innocent in the ways of the world, they will retaliate when attacked and will tend to stay neutral in almost all conflicts. They wish to preserve their way of life and will do everything in their power to do so. They will rip up trees to use as weapons, throw large boulders to level walls and buildings, and join together to slam into the ground to cause small to medium sized earthquakes. The Olive Skinned: These giants are mainly from the hot southern lands and over the many generations they have darkened their skin to resist the sun's rays and the hot climate has made their bodies have less hair on their bodies. They wander the lands trading with the various other races as they battle the other giants for supremacy across the land. They are a brash warrior people who wish to be the biggest and strongest of all nearby giants. Many times they will pick fights with other giants around them but will only do so when not in combat or under deployment as per protecting their people from the galactic purge. The Hairy Ones: This group of giants spent many generations wandering the northern lands, the intense colds have made their hair grow long and thick. They have become accustomed to the thickness of their hair acting as a blanket to the cold as well as natural armor against attacks that come their way. Their hair makes them larger than the olive skinned ones from the south but smaller than the heavy ones. Their hair has unique properties to not only insulate their body during the cold but will also flow in the winds when it is hot. As their hair grows long, they will remove some in the same manner as one might thin a forest. When cut from the giant's body the root becomes strong and the hair will turn into a super dense and high tension resistant long thread which can be wound together. This allows them to make some of the strongest ropes out of the giant's hair, or even add an extra layer of protection to armor and other items.. The Heavy Ones: Born slightly larger and stronger than the other giants, they are powerhouses using large trees as massive weapons. They are seen as slow, lumbering, hulking, tall, and large individuals who can intimidate even the most powerful demon in combat and are feared as such due to their intense rage on a calm yet short temper. Their lack of any major intelligence and extremely high magical mind resistance are powerful enough to not be easily controlled and manipulated and allow them to remain calm in most situations. As their anger grows, their body will increase in size as they grow larger and stronger. Their skin will turn a darker color as the blood production triples and begins to rush into the body providing more strength and power in combat. Demons will enjoy their company on the battlefield since they tend to be more monk or hermit-like with a calm and cool attitude until they lose it and slaughter entire castles worth of enemy soldiers before they are put down. Faction Traits: Age: They live long lives around 250 years where the longer they live the stronger and larger they become. The largest giant on record is an iron skinned heavy one standing at 50 meters or 150 ft. It is referred to as the living mech titan. Morality: They are an innocent race who do things just to do them with no thoughts about their actions like children. Size: The giants are Large lumbering people who wander around the size of buildings. Languages: They speak the Giant and Common Languages.
Gnomes Gnomes are an interesting bunch, since they incorporate all the various aspects of other races they are hard to truly identify due to them being technologically advanced yet primitive at the same time when compared to other races or factions. They use heavy magic machinery like the humans, magic technology like the elves, they live in mountains and caves like the dwarves, they travel the lands like the nomads, and transport goods like merchants, they travel on the waters and skies like dragons, and they desire life longevity like demons. They do have a few factions which have changed over time as they thrive in their new areas and ways of life but fundamentally they are gnomes at heart with a love of technology, magic, and artistic creativity. They are great designers and developers as they have a knack for innovation and magical research and studies in general. They are crazed and delusion to the outside perspective but they are more dedicated to their studies and research than anyone else. Factions: The gnomes are a race that have split not due to the political landscape around them but due to their research into various kinds of magic and magic technologies which have changed them in some ways and how they are perceived by others. They will always work together for the greater studies and research but will take every moral liberty they can. Mountain Gnomes: Living in the depths of mountains with other groups of mountain people like dwarves and trolls, they harvest minerals and resources faster than most due to their sensing abilities. This allows them to develop crazy new technologies to dig and mine faster. They are a group with very long thick sharp fingers which they use to dig through the ground. They are very dark skinned and have an innate ability to hide in the shadows and along the walls. With their fascination with minerals and ores as they are affected by magic, the magic ores and minerals have very different and strange properties. They will not believe each other in any situation which has led to an entire platoon of them eating a piece of slightly toxic ore and almost dying in the process. This makes them edge each other on to do what they just did for their studies and to see how things work for science. Sky Gnomes: These gnomes left later than the arcane gnomes but they left for grand open skies. Wanting to soar as high as the dragons themselves they began building large airships. Starting as gaseous balloons and blimps to actual one or two seater flying machines with massive airships they have advanced their technologies rapidly. They are split into many different pirate-like groups and battle for the skies in dogfights. Once they began incorporating magic into their machines they became even faster and more deadly. They will unite when it comes to other races against them but once they solve their issues they go back to warring. As they serve the empire, they are the grand shipbuilders of the starship fleet. They make for a good pinch mechanic on a starship but mostly they will work in the shipyards with their expertise transitioning from airship to starship. Arcanic Gnomes: These gnomes who left the group early on have dwelled in the magic wells of the high elves studying magic since they arrived. Unknown to the high elves for some time the first gnome emerged from the magic well and walked the streets gazing at the world around him due to his hunger for something sweet, which he did not find and returned to the well once more. The high elves were alarmed at first however the gnome's power was so great that it was the well itself. While he walked the city their entire magic systems began to falter and wane until the gnome returned. They now feed the gnomes at the bottom of the magic wells, as more gnomes gather more magic has gathered as well. After they leave to go onto the galactic stage, an arcane gnome is placed within a special slumbering pod to meditate and gain more power as it is a new power source for places around the empire. Arcane gnomes don’t mind the trade since they are given everything they have ever wanted and are allowed to leave at any time. They spend their meditation time building new plans for others to further develop them. Phantom Gnomes: The phantom gnomes operate from the shadows in thick cloak. Keeping Themselves well trimmed and innocent looking, they can take on any role needed for their objective like being a child or someone who wanders the streets. They make good pickpockets, thieves, and scouts. Their constant shadow lifestyles mixed with their love of the dark and eerie shadow tools have turned their skin into a pale grayish white with deep colored eyes. Faction Traits: Age: Gnomes live longer than humans usually, however absorbing magic can increase their life span. They usually live about 120 years but the oldest gnome alive in the High Arcana Well is said to be over 5000 years old. Morality: They are morally neutral and only see magic as a moral subject. They can and will shed blood or murder someone for a very unique or powerful magic item to study and research. Size: They are small and nimble, able to slip in and out of all manner of places using any and all things they find. Languages: They speak the Gnomish, Dwarven, Elven, and the Common Language.
Goblins A small race of easy to push around people, they breed quickly and operate many of the factions tools, machines, and various technologies. They used to be a primitive tribe like people until they were taken under human control. Once seeing technology and structure they fled their captives and have now built a society of people. They tend to live within other factions of the world working in harmony. They have their own major city and operate trade hubs throughout the world due to their ease of learning new languages and mimicking peoples they come across. On the galactic stage they have large goblin worlds where they breed warriors for battle. As a goblin begins to learn skills, when they die they can absorb another's skills and abilities which keeps their memory alive and keeps the knowledge from being lost to time. As they grow larger and stronger they can become a hobgoblin which is the size of an orc warrior. They are stronger, tougher, and more resilient to all damage and attacks. They will keep growing stronger until they become a huge oger sized goblin lord who leads an entire group or tribe of goblin warriors. Factions: There are many different goblins within the universe. In the empire they act as demonic invasion troops when in the demon army, they are a part of the rifle corps in the military. In the normal empire they are citizens but they are far and few inbetween due to their need to work to support their large families so they will turn to dark work or piracy. Forest Goblin: The goblins have been pushed around far too long and have begun training to become better, however they tend to use unconventional weapons and tools allowing them to do unique things by chance. The goblins of the forest are of green complexions and shades allowing them to blend into the forests around them, they are combat trained from their early days and know how to use any kinds of equipment effectively. They make up the bulk of the goblin kind within the empire and in any goblin world. As they evolve into a hobgoblin they gain sharper features and a jagged personality as they become an angsty teen that needs to rediscover the world. Mountain Goblin: The goblins of the vast long spanning mountain ranges are of brown and tan complexions and shades allowing them to blend into the rocks and terrain around them. They are survival and ambush trained from their early days and know how to use any kinds of equipment effectively. They are more brutish and less civilized than other goblins with a more rugged textured look. They make up a small portion of the goblin kind in the empire. They can be found in higher numbers where the Dwarves and Gnomes dwell as workers for their disastrous deeds. Desert Goblin: The desert goblins were once goblins of the forest that became trapped in the vast deserts when crazy magic went out of control making a large desert area. They are hardened, cunning, and survivable, becoming wanderers and traders of the vast deserts. They have really thin long bodies with flat like fingers and toes to help them dig and hide in the sands. They ambush their prey from the sand like the other creatures and insects of the deserts. After they stop finding prey they will get up and travel to a new area in the desert and bury themselves. They are used to help transport goods across the empire due to their interesting features. Their unique features aren't really needed on most worlds but when they are in an ideal situation they can get through even the strongest of enemy ambushes. Dark Goblin: The dark goblins were once green goblins of the forest but after taking on demonic taint they have become corrupted beyond measure. They are twisted and tainted, becoming evil demonic like entities to other goblins and tend to make up the vast number of goblin shamans or witch doctors. They are magically combat trained from their early days and know how to use a vast number of spells effectively. They absorb the evil, tainted, lustful desires, and dark magical nature of goblin kind and channel it into themselves allowing them to become great dark magic casters, this also allows for goblins to be less primal and primitive and more civilized as a species. A dark goblin is not far from a group of goblins and is seen as a great elder and wealth of knowledge. In the empire, they are trained in more sociable situations and act as proxies between the various races and goblin kind. Faction Traits: Age: Goblins tend to live only 80 years which is short to many races. When they die they can pass on a very small portion of their life force, knowledge, skills, abilities, and spells to the next ensuring that the short lived goblins can always gain more knowledge over time. If one dies and is unable to pass their life essence on they will lose that ability and over time knowledge is lost by all. They can evolve into a hobgoblin then a goblin lord which extends their lives by 100 and 300 years respectively. Morality: Goblins used to be more or less evil but now have adapted the same lifestyle as humans. They can be good or evil, depending on the individual. Size: They are small sized as they stand between 3-6 feet depending on their evolution. Languages: They speak the Goblin, Orcish, Troll, and the Common Languages.
Gods A race of people who possess god-like powers and take on a portion of their power in a human-like form to walk the mortal realm. Like all other physical bodies, they can get injured and die. They channel the skills and powers of their godly forms into their human-like form and take the body of someone who is sick and dying. God’s are a powerful race with a focus on what domain they rule in. They will maintain various councils and rule with equality when there are a few of them in the world. If there is only one or two gods they will be opposed to split the religions of the world. Generally a god falls under one of the following classifications: War God, Swift God, Magic God, Knowledge God, Survival God, or a Charismatic God. A god can have more than one of these domains they rule over but generally this will be their main and primary domain. They will usually be aided by angels, spirits, elementals, and other beings of a holy light nature. On rare occasions they may have a demigod or one who has ascended into a half god child of theirs assist them. A divine is also a good choice to aid them but there is usually some contention in their objectives and desires so they leave each other alone. On most worlds a god or demon lord is the main and highest ranked being which controls all manners of things. The Magistrates are technically above them in rank but generally will abide by their wills when on their world, if they are somewhere else then hostilities can occur. The exception is The Supremes. They are always above all things in the universe and empire and on many occasions entire groups of gods and people alike are lost due to their irritation or anger. Worlds tend to disappear on a whim as they will destroy it first with all life then ask questions later. Most of the time now when a Supreme is on world, the gods will greet them and aid them in whatever their goal or objective is. Factions: They have no allegiance or love for one another due to their ever increasing desire and lust for unfathomable power. War God: Gods who rule within the war pantheon are stronger and more powerful than all others when it comes to physical combat and are great at magical combat. They tend to be more hot headed and lust for battle as they believe if they are the only one’s standing at the end of combat then they are the winners. They make bad boxers but great warriors and magic casters. Swift God: Gods who rule within the speed and assault pantheon are stronger and more powerful than all others when it comes to speed and stamina. They will have the endurance to do anything and everything at the most rapid pace they know. Speed is all that matters as no matter what the objective is, getting it done faster is the most important thing to them. Magic God: Gods who rule within the magic pantheon are magically stronger and more powerful than all others when it comes to spells and spellcraft. They can cast any spell they know just by thinking about it without giving away what they are doing. They can multi-cast entire barrages or create armies from earth to conquer castles if need be. Knowledge God: Gods who rule within the knowledge pantheon are a smart and studious bunch who consume all forms of knowledge they can get their hands on. They have an innate ability to know the general gist of how things operate or what they do by studying it for a short time. They keep to the list or objectives they have on a strict schedule. This allows them to never be late and always fulfill what they agree to. Survival God: Gods who rule within the Constitution and Survival pantheon are stronger both physically, mentally, and have great resistance. They are a curious bunch who will tend to do dangerous things just to see what happens. They go through bodies at a rapid pace but grow weaker with each exchange of body but it doesn't bother their curious mind, once they are fixated on something that is what they will devote their entire life to. Until the current body dies, then they need to go find a new body and something else to focus on. Charismatic God: Gods who rule within the Charisma pantheon are those who lust and desire all things in the mortal realm. From music to relations, to people and treasures. If it can be obtained they will obtain what they desire at any cost. They push people and demons alike in ways they would never expect. They are favored highly within demonic kind as they slowly change their looks and personality to better fit the group they are associating with at the time. Faction Traits: Age: Their age is that of the body they took over. The body will be restored and aged slower than usual. God’s tend to try to take over demon’s long living bodies but fail most of the time, so they end up taking one of the longer lived races. Morality: They are neither good nor evil, for their whims are their own. Size: They are considered the size of the body they took over. Languages: They speak the Common Language and any other language the body knows.
Hobbits Sometimes referred to as gnomes and dwarves due to their short stature, they are more of a human like people and not of the other races. They live very long lives due to them being half elves and half humans. They have either small square or round faces, small pointed ears, and they have very soft frail complexions. They tend to like peace above all else but do make for good scouts, warriors, and magic casters. They are small but mighty people and will fight to protect their homes and families. The hobbits train their vast wealths and knowledge through magical hobbit books which are more like unlimited historical texts which they can summon when needed to take notes or read another's book they have in their possession or are trusted with. Factions: They are a large group of people who split and spread out across the lands. They train under their own volition and study the ancient hobbit ways which allows for them to share their vast wealths and knowledge through magical hobbit books which are more like unlimited historical texts. Only those of hobbit bloodlines can see the text within otherwise it looks like just a stone plate which detours people who would dare to steal it. It can be used as a weapon in a pinch if needed. The Sneaky: Studying the tablet of their people, they learn all about the shadow arts and how to fully use their shadow powers. Their tablet contains all kinds of various information on all the various classes that will appeal to their stealthy hidden sneaky nature which allows them to focus on being a ninja, assassin, thief, pickpocket, rogue, or another dark job. They can reduce their presence down into the bare minimum to better hide themselves. The Clunky: Studying the tablet of their people, they learn all about the lucky arts and how to fully use their luck type powers. They are naturally gifted when it comes to gambling and getting good fortunes as their luck can be materialized into a form which can redo things to get them out of situations. Some will develop the powers of foresight allowing them to see a few moments in the future and with their great luck they can dodge any death flags that may appear before them. They can find better things in higher quantities then most can which makes them excellent explorers and merchants. The Fisty: Studying the tablet of their people, they learn all about the various forms of physical and weapon combat styles. They brawl with each other often since the other hobbits don’t tend to focus on more barbaric combat. They enjoy some fighting time with others, especially with war loving people like centaurs, orcs, goblins, and demons. The Casty: Studying the tablet of their people, they learn all about the magical arts and how to cast powerful magical spells. They learn all kinds of various magical spells since they have the ability to memorize any spells within their tablet. They will find new spells to record but unless they have the full knowledge of the spell with all its information the skill and spell they use will only be a fraction of the effectiveness. Faction Traits: Age: They live long life spans due to their half elven half human natures as they can live up to 500 years and begin to grow old in their 2-300’s. Morality: They are good or evil depending on the individual. Size: They are small short sized people standing just a tad bit smaller and less plump than a dwarf but larger than a gnome. Languages: They speak the Common Language.
Humans The human race can be described as the collective group of all living humans on their home world of Terra hidden from all people at the highest levels known only to the Supremes. They are characterized by their large brains, bipedal locomotion, high intelligence, ability for complex communication through language, and the capacity for abstract reasoning. This makes them the most widespread primate species on the planet as they are distinguished from other animals by their advanced cognitive abilities and cultural development. They can do anything and everything decently well and they are endowed with the ability to channel and use magic on some rare occasions. Humans tend to be a serious, morally righteous, speciesist, and power-hungry bunch who want their lands to be pure to humankind where all manner of demi-humans serve the humans. On most major worlds in other galaxies the Humans are the most prevalent force and they will subjugate all others to serve their every desire. Once the humans have gained space travel and have encountered the black empire, wars have broken out due to them seeing the Terans as non-humans and more demi-human. Humans are a bland bunch when compared to all the other races as they are the most common people to find on almost any world in other galaxies. In the current galaxy under the control of the black empire, humans have been changed with a great infection known as magic. This has caused them to change greatly and very few actual humans remain in the galaxy at large. They are only able to eat H Food items or Human food items. This means they are unable to consume most of the other species' unique food items due to it making them very sick and possibly killing them in the process. Some items are poisonous when ingested and most other races like Terran can break down these innate poisons and be okay where as humans will die. See the section below on Terrans to know more. Factions: The humans are a warring bunch of many different races of all different shades. They treat each other in different ways based on their levels of melanin, location they were raised in their world, technological development, and overall wealth as a populace. People form groups of civilizations with various languages and technological levels until they unite from one of the main reasons all species do. Intergalactic invasion and war, conquering everyone else with superior technology, or a diplomatic unison to traverse space and the stars. The Arcanists or Ancient Casters: The Arcanists are a major cult religious group which studies and hones their ancient magics and spells crafts. They have had long lineages dating back to the very beginning of human societies. They are powerful magic casters and have served the kings and lords in all their major wars as advisors or oracles. They are slightly sick from the magic they have consumed over the various years with deep magical tattoo markings over their bodies in random patterns, once hunted in ancient times they are very well respected for their use of magic to help and assist them in their desires and tasks. They make up an extremely small amount of the populace, around 2-5% of the population of the world they hail on. The Assault Veterans: The Assault Veterans are a major long lasting family lineage which have studied the art of combat and knighthood for generations. They have had a long lineage dating back all to the way back to the very beginning in service to the king himself. Their family line holds many prominent positions within the empire acting as bodyguards, magical casters, adjudicators, or even advisors for the king himself. They are known as magical swordsmen due to them using magic to enhance themselves, enchant their weapons with elemental magics, or being able to project a shield around them. They are seen in their heavy war armor on the battlefield launching spells around at the same strength as the empire's captain level magic casters. The Spiritual Actionists: The Actionists are a monk-like bunch which have trained for decades to be able to possess better luck and they have learned to manage important things in their life. Their time, power, and flow which allows them to be able to slightly phase objects in and out of their dimension on a whim. This makes them fantastic entertainers, combat effective warriors, clever thieves, and teachers of the arts. They make up the strategists and hardened veteran warriors in service to the kings of the world. They are a small group but they are well respected. The Nimble Shadows: The Nimble Shadows act as the primary shadow organization that makes up the humans' dark and evil operations. They are a group of long lasting family lineages which have studied the shadow arts of pickpocketing, thievery, stealth, and expert reflexes. They have had a lifetime of expert heists, lock picking adventures, and stealing various treasures which has made them excellent thieves and assassins for the crown. Their family line holds many prominent assassinators and executioners within the empire in service of the king himself. This allows them to form a special dark union making up all the various shadow groups from all the joined worlds allowing them to show their individual strengths as a family. Some have poisons developed on their specific worlds which are more deadly than all others, some have advanced training or even some may have advanced sneaking and stealth tactics or weapons. The families which make up the Nimble Shadows within the Forn Empire for example are the Steltons, the Valorn, and the Fablot families. The Steltons have used long ranged sniper rounds which are the size of a single strand of hair coated with deadly poisons. They have taken many lives in the long wars against the empire in their shadow operations. The Valorn remain almost undetected in every situation and they are adept hunters and escapees getting out of confinement or losing the empire's best trackers on many occasions. The Falbot family seems to have limitless assassin warriors who are adept at all hand to hand combat rivaling the empires best, but they also use the Valornian Poison to get their edge in battle. Faction Traits: Age: They have a standard lifespan of 80-100 years. Morality: They are morality neutral and can be good or evil. Size: They stand between 5ft 10in - 6ft 10in or 178cm - 208cm on average. Languages: They speak the Common Language.
Insects Large bug-like people hailing from the ever spanning worlds created from the magic infused lands and the impact of asteroids causing the insects to grow massive in size. They have many various forms evolving from large bugs into bug-like people sporting their various aspects of their original bug natures and strengths. They use a hive like independence like society with a caste based system. Once an insect gains sentience intelligence they lose their connection to the hive mind and the bugs themselves, when this happens they are immediately pushed out of their nests to leave and go off into the world. They have evolved to stand upright on 2 legs and their bodies have begun to change to better for their new life within societies. They may not be bigger than the largest child, but they are a fearsome race of people. As their intelligence grew they began to rapidly make the technological advancements of the other races on their world as they conquered and enslaved all other races to become the most powerful primal people at the top of their food chains. Although the insects may be similar to one another and classified as such by the empire, they are not to be called by their type but from where they are from. Saying all beetles are the same is like saying all elves are the same, where they come from and what world they hail from is what makes them different. They use a current class system to rule over the others within their species without intelligence to keep them in line and on their current task. Factions: They were a hive mind species who served their respective nest queens as they lived long ago before they began to develop sentient intelligence and the ability to use tools. The empire classifies them based on their main development group or type of insect species they are to make it easier for others to comprehend. Many insect worlds are a large conglomerate group of species united together while others are 1 or 2 main species which has taken the world and rid it of all others. On the galactic level they make up the bulk workers and combat specialists within the empire, however they are a free people who have all the same rights. The Ants: The Black Ant, The Brown Ant, The Red Fire Ant They are carnivorous and will eat the various insects they find, being the smallest of the insects they can swarm with their powerful pincers, teeth, and ant claws. As they evolved and grew larger the various nests separated and took on their own queen. As they grew larger and more powerful, the ones who began to develop intelligence had stronger limbs as they became upright bipedal predators. Standing the size of a small child of many other races, the Black Ants are larger and stronger than the others. They tend to stand taller and hit much harder than the other bugs preferring heavy weapons. The Red Fire Ants are the smallest of the ant species whose bite will tear into flesh releasing small flames burning and charring the skin. They can breathe fire in a short cone in front of them and their abdomen will become red hot and expand to explode when in danger spraying the highly flammable fluid all around. After growing stronger they can turn their powerful fire breath into a plasma which can even begin to melt the thickest of enemy armor. The average Brown Ant stands between the others and is more slim, they are magically adept and can use various kinds of magic in combat to fight their enemies at long range. They make up the bulk of the combat force alongside mantises and beetles with hornets supporting them in the skies. The Winged Bugs: The Bee, The Wasp, The Hornet As they began to develop intelligence, their bodies began to change, making them stand bipedal and causing their wings to shrink in size. They act as the leaders of the other insects and bugs as they rule over them. They can flutter their wings allowing them to glide and fly very short distances. Using these powers they will do what they must to rule over those without wings. The bees make up the vast amount of workers as they continue their pollination jobs allowing for large amounts of nectar and pollen to be collected and harvested in the grand hive. They then use them with other ingredients to produce a highly sought after product called Pollectey. This is bought by the empire and then separated into a high grade honey sweetening agent, a high grade pollen fertilizer for plant life, a super sticky nectar like substance which can be used as a powerful binder agent for all things. They use it as a strong adhesive and when mixed with swarm biomass gels it becomes an adhesive which bonds the strongest of metals. The Wasps acts as the main combat force as their powerful stingers can be used as a powerful piercing weapon which will poison their targets and then explode after a short time. They can regrow their stingers after a week or even faster if they consume the Pollectey the process is sped up to a few days' time. The Wasps use long ranged weapons and act as some of the best airborn shock troops as they are able to steer their descent into the battlefield and prolong their fall. Hornets are super large powerhouse flying biological vehicles. The Hornet has sharp talons and a large exhaust port on their backside allowing for supersonic movement. Their powerful wings allow them to carry many troops and structures as they act like air combat weapons. They have large hairs which excrete a sticky fluid to cause dirt and other debris to stick together, as the Hornet flies high in the sky the hair enters into the body and it causes the ball to fall. The fluid is contact explosive and it rains down with small explosions below the Hornet in a controlled arc and path. It can use the hairs as a projectile weapon when threatened in the skies, it shoots them outwards with a small amount of sticky explosive liquid to damage their assailants. It regrows in a few days time, using the Pollectey it can regrow in a few hours. The Hornet is 9.3 ft or 2.83 m long with a height of 2.34 ft or .71 m. It has a wingspan of 12.97 ft or 3.95 and a Wing area: 177.5 sq ft or 16.49 sq m. The Super Hornet is 18.6 ft or 5.66 m long with a height of 25.94 ft or 7.9 m. It has a wingspan of 4.68 ft or 1.42 m and a Wing area: 355 sq ft or 32.98 m sq m. It has even been said that using great magics to grow the size of the large aircraft like hornets, they can achieve a Mega Hornet. It is so large it can drop huge payloads of bombs to rain down on entire cities or troops marching across various landscapes. The size of the Mega Hornet is 74.33 ft or 22.66 m long with a height of 19.08 ft or 5.82 m. It has a wingspan of 103.75 ft or 31.62 m and a Wing area: 1,420 sq ft or 131.92 sq m. The Mantises: The Praying Mantis, The Toxic Mantis, The Steel Mantis These mantis have evolved powerful claws in order to kill the heavily armored beatles that have risen to power. This has allowed their claws to even slice through most metals. As they fall in battle brave souls will harvest their claws to be forged into weapons of varying degrees of effectiveness. The large Praying Mantises have developed a sonic emitting voice which they can screech causing damage to the nearby listeners eardrums. They can speak normally and their clicks can be echoed over long distances to communicate with other mantises. Their hind legs have been developed into large leaping legs, using their small wings they can leap many meters and glide even farther to hit their targets. The Toxic Mantises are smaller but they coat their claws in a highly acidic, erosive, and toxic mixture which melts through flesh and metal alike. They will swarm in small groups inflicting little damage but intense pain as they hunt their prey. The Steel Mantises are tough and resilient. They are super heavy, magic resistant, and kinetic weapon resistant. As they build up great speed using their powerful leg muscles, they slam into things, slicing them with their single large metal claw on each arm. Their speed causes them to crush through buildings, flipping even the most heavy armor, or topple through defensive positions. They make up the bulk of the combat force alongside ants and beetles with hornets supporting them in the skies. The Beetles: The Blue Beetle, The Black Beetle, The Steel Beetle, The Toxic Beetle Having been constantly hunted due to their slow sluggish movement and tough shells, they end up being primarily sources of food to the other insects. When the large insect wars broke out they would leave their lands and travel as groups for safety. As their resources dwindled and the insect wars grew longer and more deadly they have been hunted and drug away at night to become food to the others. When the great magics evolved the world, they too gained powerful magic evolutions. They grew massive in size, gained huge power, thicker armor that has high durability, and a thirst for revenge. They launched an entire new insect war stomping out many different colonies of insects in their revenge and lust for blood. After they entered into the empire they gave up their species' lust for insect blood and now instead takes to the battlefields alongside demons to fulfill their lust for blood. The Blue Beetle . The Black Beetle, after joining with the Demons using their dark shadow magics, have been a pivotal powerhouse in their armies. They are huge behemoths that are massive in size, growing to be 60 ft tall or 10 meters with massive fist like appendages coated in steel and magic to destroy any manner of things. The Steel Beetle is a large sized solid steel beetle that uses large amounts of magic to allow them to move at supersonic speeds as they curl into a ball and slam through structures. Their steel carapace protects them from all kinds of physical and kinetic damage from attackers as they roll through the enemy. They use magic spells and act as the insect or bug armor within their armies. Heavy weapons have some effect on them, but their slanted armor carapace plates cause all non explosive impact projectiles to slide right off them. The Toxic Beetle like the name states is a small fat beetle who spews either a thick contact bubble glob using sticky fluid or a cone of toxic gas. They can shed their carapace in extreme situations which allows them to sneak away as their carapace explodes in a thick dark toxic gas. They have the power to build their globs to be more solid so they can hurl them far distances where they explode into a gas on impact. They tend to gather a large amount of dirt or debris and using their fluid they make heavy globs which deal damage to buildings and enemy armor alike. They primarily act as siege support weapons of the insect armies preferring to stay in the rear as they hurl the globs up to 120 feet or 40 meters away. Using magic they can enhance their range to be even further reaching 240 feet or 80 meters away. The Hidden Bugs: The Stick Bug, The Rock Bug These bugs, like their name suggests, are large sticks or rocks when not moving. They also use intense magic powers to hide themselves and this allows them to blend into their environment with the natural camouflage they possess. They make up the scouting groups and are super fast when they need to transmit information through their super quick clicking sounds. Outside personeel have a hard time talking to them so translators are used to having them slow down their super fast speech. Within the empire, they travel alongside the swarm to translate between all the factions within the empire. Faction Traits: Age: Their age is unknown for they are larger insects and can live for hundreds of years. Morality: They have no real morality, only eating and killing when they need to. Size: Most of the insects are considered smaller sized standing at the size of large children or most people with the beetles being larger and thicker being considered the size of an orc. Languages: They speak in a clicking way to communicate with other insects and bugs. They know the Ancient and Common Languages as they fit into most societies within the empire.
Krakens Large crustacean-like sea people hailing from the ever deep oceans. They have many different forms from the standard intelligent octopus and squid types to the large tentacle-like monsters. They have evolved to be more on land with longer more powerful fused tentacles which make up their arms and legs. They can open their “hands” up and are able to have 3 smaller weapons in one “hand” or are able to wield powerful weapons one handed. They are mostly myths and legends whenever sailors are about. Krakens attacked that ship and destroyed everything. Most people recount or tell tales of large sea creatures attacking ships but in reality it is a bunch of Kraken pirates who eat the crews and take the ships. Wherever the Krakens go, a mist or fog seems to follow them, masking their presence on the high seas or the vast oceans of space. Factions: They are a diverse tribe like people which tend to be at war with each other constantly. They are carnivorous and devour all of those who fall in battle. Currently in the empire they are focused on raiding enemy worlds and wreaking havoc wherever they go. They are a part of the military advanced assault force who sieges world after world. The Squids: The Squids have a triangular head, eight arms and two longer tentacles, and circular pupils. Hailing from the deep depths, the squids and the octos make up the bulk of the kraken people. Their prowess is unmatched alongside the octos and they devour the enemies they fell in combat. They use their tentacles as arms and legs to walk on land and to use various weapons and armor. Their uniqueness comes from the fact that as they age they will get more tentacles which they can use to wrap around their current arms and legs to keep them strong and able. If they lose a tentacle or two it usually means they can keep going at a slight disadvantage in combat. They are around 60 ft or 20 m long and can grow up to 300 ft or 100 m long with upwards to 100 long tentacles. Their increase in size makes them powerful destroyers of enemy ships and armor when they land on a planet. The Kraken ships will fly high above the ground and begin dropping The Squids first before disembarking their other troops. The Octos: The Octos have a rounded head, eight arms, rectangular pupils, and round bodies. Hailing from the deep depths and caves, the cotos and the squids make up the bulk of the kraken people. Their prowess is unmatched alongside the squids and they devour the enemies they fell in combat. They use their tentacles as arms and legs to walk on land and to use various weapons and armor. Their uniqueness comes from the fact that as they age their tentacles grow far stronger and more resistant to damage then the squids. Their powerful tentacles can make them fearsome warriors as it is not uncommon to see them climbing upside down swinging massive great weapons with a single tentacle. They are around 6 ft or 2 m long and can grow up to 24 ft or 8 m long. Their increase in size makes for a stronger beak to tear apart even the thickest of flesh, and resistance to kinetic weapons as they wrap their bodies around the weapons that hit them. Appearance: Octopuses have a rounded head, eight arms, and rectangular pupils. Squids have a triangular head, eight arms and two longer tentacles, and circular pupils. Body shape: Octopuses have round bodies, while squids have long, tubular bodies. Locomotion: Octopuses can crawl and swim, but their fastest way to move is by jet propulsion. Squids can also use jet propulsion, and they can also use fins on their heads to move slowly. Size: The largest squids can be around 60 feet long, while the largest octopuses are around 16 feet long. Lifespan: Octopuses typically live one to three years, while squids can live nine months to five years. Habitat: Octopuses are usually found in dark crevices on the seafloor, while squids can be found in open ocean waters. Diet: Octopuses usually eat crustaceans, while squids usually eat shrimp and small fish. Mating habits: Octopuses mate in pairs, while squids mate in groups. Meat: Squid has the firmest meat, while octopus has the softest meat. The Crusts: Hailing from the deepest depths in a smaller populace, the crusts are a large crustacean-like people. They have 4 massive legs with a long powerful barbed tail, their upper body is massively built with a normal hand and a large crab like claw in the other. Their normal arm is so strong it can wield 2-handed weapons normally. Due to their lack of 2 hands they mostly use ranged one handed weapons or some form of mech suit. Their scarcity and absolute dominance on the battlefields have made them into great capable leaders and captains of various crews. They usually act as a beacon of terror to all who see one as they dress in very tight fitting clothing and armor to always show their tough barbed carapace. They will crush small armor in their claws or larger armor with a power claw, stomp over smaller soldiers, and use their mech suit weapons to blast enemies from afar. They have a natural magical aura of leadership which emits from them causing all other Krakens to fight harder than they would ever know. The Gels: Being such a rare sight, they are respected due to their soft nature and shocking personality. They are nobel, elegant, light, and airy. They have a brash quick changing personality as the more irritated and angry they get the storms and lightning build releasing their anger as powerful zaps. They act as great leaders and as #2’s on the ship to a crusts captain. They have 2 powerful tentacle legs and 2 tentacle arms able to use weapons in combat. There are tales of huge gels walking the deep seas dressed in cloaks and using magical staves to shoot water and lightning about. There are a few who try to become powerful fire mages but they give up on their long-spanning dreams as they are lost and forgotten to time. But on the rare occasion one dreams hard enough, they can make their way onto a crusts crew and become the fire mage they once dreamed of. Most of the time they are powerful Lightning Magic Casters who will zap their enemies from close range. As they grow older and stronger their Zaps can have more range and jump from victim to victim as it wreaks havoc within the enemy ranks. They can become massive in size as they fill with air floating in the high skies of the world carrying large baskets filled with troops or armor as they float across the skies. They can rain down powerful lightning storms on their targets below, this can cause paralysis or death to the targets. The Cuthuls: From the depths of deep myths and legends, the cuthuls arose from even the darkest twisted swampy depths to plague the deep seas. They are monsters from the great demonic book of H’plu VC’reft. This demonic scripture was lost to time as it was sealed into a great tomb but as the island shifted, the tomb fell to the bottom most depts. As the magic spewed from the book it created the Kraken race. These monsters slowly began to pour out of the book as their demon magics allow for them to transpose the image of them into a viewer's desires and wishes. They used this ability to become kings and lords of various sea creatures like the Murlocs, Myrmidons, Mermaids, Krakens, and other nobles on the land. Rumors state their names are of Velknish origin and they hold positions of power within all the churches and religious nations ruled over by humans. They are humanoid in silhouette as they have tentacles all across their body and along their face. They can use various kinds of illusion magic, charms, and other mind manipulation to easily hide their appearance, however they are bound by the rules of the demonic pact they were born from. They cannot lie or tell false tales. If they do the magic enveloping them will break. To dodge the issue they dance around the problems and talk in such a way as to not reveal themselves. They act as masterful spies within the empire as they are able to impersonate a target with extreme ease. Faction Traits: Age: Their age is unknown. Morality: They have no real morality only eating when they need to and killing when they need to. Size: Their size ranges from the average size of an elf to the massive size of a giant. Languages: They know the Ancient and Common Languages.
Lizardmen Long ago they were the powerful descendents of the Dragons and the essence of life mixed with various water reptiles. They evolved into a sentient race of lizard people fully developing their own languages and cultures. They are made up of large groups and tribes as they are omnivores who fish and farm. Their webbed toes allow them to swim faster, their scales allow them to resist damage and protect them, their mouths have powerful teeth and jaws to crush and shred their food. They are born as a super bright color and as they age their colors begin to darken. They go from a super bright light color to a bright version at the age of adolescence. After they are long into their adulthood they lose the brightness of their scales and instead become a more natural version of their color. As they grow late into their adult years their color is a more deep hue and then a super dark color as they become fully capable warriors. They are capable warriors and magic casters who are prevalent in shallow waters and large open swamps. All Lizardmen have the innate ability to enter into a special state of berserker rage as they grow in size, this is called many different things but it causes the user to become far more powerful than ever before for a short time. Factions: The Lizardmen are a united force which has served the empire for a long period. They are adept at most things and make up a good deal of crew across the empire on and off ships. Green Scales / Green Lizardmen: The green scales have been the main figures of many different situations ove the history of the lizardmen. From diplomats to the primary fighting force, they have started wars and even caused many to ally with them during the great resource wars. They are strong willed and combat trained people with enhanced abilities to further their combat powers. They make up the bulk of the Lizardmen population and can use some magic to aid them. Blue Scales / Blue Lizardmen: They were the first group of lizardmen to fully embrace magic. As they learned more and gained various levels of power they used their powerful magic powers to take every advantage they could during the wars. Being able to use powerful long range spells, they can bombard their enemies while also maintaining a strong combat line. Red Scales / Red Lizardmen: The rough, tough, and heavy hitting red lizardmen are combat effective and trained. They have a unique skill where they gain more power and accuracy as they keep fighting and shedding blood. As the blood flows on their bodies, their scales absorb it and strengthen them even further. They join the fight with many demons and can usually outlast all the non greater demons. The only demons who really like to fight with them are the demons of wrath due to their love of battle. Yellow Scales / Yellow Lizardmen: They are long ranged hunters as they hunt on land with their slingshots and short bows and throw spears to fish. They are all trained in the ranged arts and can easily use most long ranged weapons like rifles and sniper rifles. They follow orders well and use their electrical powers to enhance their muscles and body in a more natural way without others detecting them. They have very long fingers with split claws which can channel some electricity in them acting as taser-like weapons. Brown Scales / Brown Lizardmen: Brown Lizardmen, sometimes called the Brown Scales from other Lizardmen, are competent people who focus heavily on science and magic studies. Their history with the other races is that of war and bloodshed but now all is at ease with the Lizardmen. They make up a small portion of the researchers within the empire. Faction Traits: Age: Their age is unknown but they burn and bury their dead's ashes in the waters of their swamps as a celebration of life and death. Morality: They survive therefore they have no morality to be judged. Size: They are a medium average sized populace who stands around the height and weight of a small orc. Languages: They speak the Lizardmen and Common Languages.
Mermaids A race of people born in the Isles of Myr on the world of Myr, they have human tops and fish tail bottoms. Their magics are typically based around light, dark, earth, water and wind but a few can use fire magics when on land. They used to live on land with their innate magics being able to change their beautiful tails into thin scaly legs. Long ago they lived and worked on the lands enjoying their time laying their tails in the water, which ended with the rise and expansion of the murlocs. They are like goblins, breeding quickly and setting up a very primal basic tribe on the island consuming any and all creatures on their island. This caused the mermaids to flee deep into the waters building their own cities at the bottom of the calm waters of the Isles of Myr. Mermaids live in the raised plateau area of the deep oceans. Staying within the glimmering light of the sunlight under the waters, they build their magnificent cities hidden by magics from the topside. Due to their bodies being so adapted to the waters they have little presence and usually are the same size as a school of fish when using detection methods. They can use a sonic style song to project their thoughts out to the various aquatic life to have them keep their distances. They are mostly herbivores and can consume very well cooked and mashed meat due to them having perfectly straight flat teeth. Factions: They are a group of harmonious people who will pull together in any time of need to help one another. Their society is built around the Queendom and is run mostly by women in all major roles except military might and labor. Like seahorses, women will fertilize their eggs and give them to the males to watch over, due to the size usually a mermaid will lay 1-3 eggs per cycle and see their children like that of humans and not like how creatures or monsters see them. Since they are a united bunch they focus their efforts on harmony and studies. This has them form and build an academy and they attend this academy under the waves to better understand their role within their own society. This has allowed them to set up the same schooling system on various space stations within the empire which will have pools of water on them for the sea-folk people to attend. From Lizardmen to Merloc, Mermaid to Myrmidon, any is allowed in the Academy Under The Waves located on the major station within the empire. A few distinct worlds of aquatic life have been used to grow the Sea-folk peoples' numbers within the empire. Mermaids act as the main teachers of the subjects as an example of the harmonic unison they possess. The Studious Sea-folk: These students are taught all about the various subjects and careers within the empire. They will attend a harder and shorter learning course but the results speak for themselves. Unique to the Sea-folk or any aquatic peoples,just recently the Kraken people were allowed in the academies, they teach students on a 16 hr cycle per day. They rotate their studies each day with a grand focus on their overall subjects of studies. The fewer people in a class the more they learn, due to the nature of how the classes operate the students will enter at any time and learn until completion. The labs as they are called are done by any and all levels of students, this causes them to learn things like the basics at their own pace instead of focusing on them first then building the other skills needed for their subject. Within the empire the best medical professionals, scientific researchers, engineers, and technological advances happen to be those who use this method of study. This has caused many people to seek out the intense studies of the Mermaids at the Academy Under The Waves and their acceptance rate is just as high as their completion rate. Getting a degree or some completion papers for their academy is respected just as highly as the best of the schools out there due to their hard curriculum. The Seeking Sea-Folk: Learning to be a seeker is like trying to steal an object under the tightest security in your undergarments. This is how others describe being a seeker, the greatest of spies in the empire trained to do almost anything and everything possible. The seekers are a curious bunch like the studious ones but they tend to focus more on stealth, exploration, and information gathering. They are the ones who make maps, show locations, explore new areas, and find hidden treasures. Due to their great explorative skills they join various groups to explore unknown lands, when they do they take old and new copies of maps to remap the lands. Due to the length of time that people venture out the maps show huge changes in the lands over a great amount of time. This ensures they are a three or four man team and allows for swiffer movement. They take an oath of secrecy and will not share or reveal any kind of possible information or location to their enemies and they are bound by an intense curse in order to do so. They value their skills and abilities more than the world around them as they undertake some of the worst missions within the empire itself. The Magious Sea-Folk: Magic is the essence of life, the evolution of the races, and the blood of casters themselves. They have an innate knowledge of all things magic and can see how the magic flows within the world around them and through the caster. It is said that they train so long casting the most simple of spells that they are almost entirely invisible to the naked eye due to them being able to use magic without any indication, effect, or incantations. Due to their knowledge of the magical arts and the breaking down of spells themself, they are the first ones to learn and teach the arts of magic from The Supreme Magistrates Alimah and Stranda. They have learned and studied every spell in existence and as they come across a new one they are able to completely and fundamentally understand and use it so they have built up the magical research of the galaxy at large. The Magious is a rank given to those who undergo a magical revolution and change within themselves to be on the path of becoming an Archmage. The course is far harder to study each and everything in the known, only being able to get to 20% of the knowledge is enough to push them into the upper echelons of the magical community. They will further break down The Supreme’s knowledge into teaching courses throughout the empire, which will further the information known to the average person. The Combatic Sea-folk: These people attend a boot camp style course to learn how to use combat magic, healing and restoration magic, and evasive magic to be better warriors within the empire. Getting through this course will put them into the military on a fast track to officer after getting through the military boot camp and officer training grounds. They can skip a good portion of officer school as they get first dibs on their battlefield of their choosing as their first assignment. Faction Traits: Age: Their age is unknown. Morality: Their morality is neutral and good. Size: They are smaller sized than people think but always look fit and healthy. They are plump in all the good ways. Languages: They speak the Sea Folk and Common Languages.
Minotaurs The race of minotaurs are shrouded in mystery from their history and lineage to their evolution as a people. Some theorize they are a hybrid race of Giant and Beastmen which may be more accurate then the Human and Bull mentality. They are large brutish warriors wielding massive weapons of war as they like the art of combat and blood shedding with some being able to enter a berserker like trance to increase their lethality. They are seen to have little to no intelligence and speak few words but they are able to speak a few languages. All of those who think of them as not intelligent will be surprised by their tactics and battlefield knowledge. They flock to the centaur, demon, and human lands due to them being more aggressive than the other races. They act as powerful mercenaries and bodyguards. Within the empire they make up the bulk of the vanguard forces during military assaults and are backed by strong demon warriors. Factions: A few factions have risen from the minotaurs which branched out during the long wars long ago. They have taken on various traits of the people they fought for long ago and continue to live and exist like them. Iron Axes: Combat loving warriors, they spend their lives living on the open plains of any world challenging any and all to combat. They battle against everything before either joining the military or entering an arena for the sport of combat battles to entertain the crowds on some worlds. They are large, strong, stout fighters who will honorably duel and battle any who will give them the time of day. There are many cases where they will wander into the demonic armies to fight as they love the thrill of battle. Being able to bury their weapons into their enemies and scream, chant, and shout all the glories of battle. Everyone tends to love watching them shed blood on the battlefield and many different news and television programs will feature the combat within the empire. Colossal: Powerful and resistant to damage, their skin is a thick natural iron color and metallic feeling. They are strong and resistant to most if not all physical damage. They will use their bodies' metallic properties to powerfully charge through walls and doors, use themselves as a drum, or even empower their body with heavy magics to better their combat powers. They will take to some arenas but mostly they enjoy the beauty of life. After a battlefield of death, they will stay to bury the dead in respect, totally not because the body decomposes into the ground promoting life to sprout even faster. Magi Chanter: Having little love for physical combat they enjoy the spells and magics they can use. They enjoy using magic at any point they can for even the smallest reasons. They will spend 30 minutes to cast a teleport spell to travel to a place they could walk to in 5 minutes. They will use a growth spell to grow massive in size to then leap, chant a smaller spell with some gliding spell to just get them in a second story window, which can take hours to set up. In combat they tend to use powerful magic which means they will enhance their weapons and armor which then fuels their innate desire to fight once more. When they fight they begin to crave magic and they use their spells to further their combat. When the battle is done they loathe combat and violence and just tend to want to study, learn, and use magic. Demonic Axes: Hailing from the demon lands, they challenge their armies and any other travelers to combat. They are twisted by demonic magic causing them to have red eyes, horns, darker fur, and massive bodies. They are loved by the demons of wrath due to their desire to fight and shed blood. Their motto is punch first, then second, then third, and then forget why you're punching and punch some more. After they die then you can ask the questions. Faction Traits: Age: Their age is unknown due to them being very mysterious and not sharing their past. Morality: They enjoy combat and fighting, anything else they do not care about. Size: They are considered larger in size than most but giants still have them beat on height alone. Languages: They know and comprehend many languages but only seem to speak the Common Language.
Murloc The murlocs are a race of carnivorous piranha goblin-like people which swim and hunt in shallow waters. They rose to power and immediately laid waste devouring all the races and creatures closest to the waters as the shallow waters are their home and breeding ground. They pushed the naga deep into the lands, the mermaids went deep under the waters, the myrmidon have left to the northern waters and have built a powerful defensive civilization. They battle the myrmidons as they flock to take their lands to the north. Many murlocs have wared with other factions but have been gaining independence, culture, and tribalism. After being in the empire, they still remain in their hostile state of mind during their shallow water breeding seasons and will kill almost any non murloc people who enter their territory. This causes them to be even hostile in their rooms on the ships to some degree. They are described as the goblins of the seas, but in reality their people are looked down on by all other races. Their teeth are razor sharp and they have an innate resistance to all magic and poison alike. Due to their rapid breeding process, the empire finds it acceptable to leave a few of them in shallow water on enemy worlds and give them plenty of food and tools. They are an invaluable insertion and conquering force within the empire at large. Factions: They are just a single large group, like fish they come in any and all kinds of colors. They see murlocs as friends and all others as food. They will try really hard not to eat those affiliated with the black empire. People in the uniform have better chances to survive the murlocs. Murloc Battler: Able to use almost any kind of small weapon, they are highly aggressive and are treated like a pest to be exterminated from all other races on various worlds. They are used as first responding combat forces on any world the empire wishes to conquer using the smallest amount of resources. Murloc Caster: When the first murloc used magic, they were eaten alive. The second, third, and fourth were the same. The fifth murloc however blew the rest to death with powerful wind magics. Then it ate all the others and was accepted as a murloc. Now many murlocs have been born with magic and use it to kill and eat their enemies. Faction Traits: Age: Their age is unknown. Morality: They only like to eat food. Size: They are smaller sized people. Languages: They speak the Sea Folk and Common Languages.
Myrmidon They are a great race of sea folk large in stature. They had a great village along the coastline rich with lore and histories as a warring humanoid faction which sought strength from the gods at all costs. Their entire civilization plummeted into the depths of the magical waters below. They evolved with the naga murloc and humans turning into large hulking serpent hydra like people. They use their huge serpent bodies to world mighty weapons of war to destroy their enemies within the empire. In order to breed, they must become strong enough to be worthy of breeding which means they must accomplish great deeds like their parents before them. There is a council who made the bare minimum of Myrmidon codes of reproduction and it is impressive to say the least. Factions: They are a huge hulking serpent dragon like people united as a single race. Like the murloc and naga they are a simple bunch with either a heavy focus on combat skills or magic casting. Myrmidon Hunter: Learning the art of combat from a young age, they enlist into the military to spread their aquatic might across every world they can. This is their source of power, the more places they conquer the stronger they feel and their magic will reflect that having them hit harder, last longer, and be better than even the toughest minotaur out there. They have a tendency to just pick up murlocs and just throw them at their enemies or into new areas to become a new problem. Myrmidon Caster: With the sole focus on casting the strongest magic possible, they have become so potent at magic that they have developed their bodies to only casting a single spell only 1-3 times a day. Their magic is so powerful that a tidal wave will flood a world, a lightning storm will last for days destroying entire cities, an earthquake hits a whole area shaking very slightly for weeks causing such long term problems. They are the most potent magic casters in the empire but they are so far and few inbetween due to their long birth cycles and low birth rates. Faction Traits: Age: Their age is unknown. Morality: They have no morality just surviving. Size: They are as large as a minotaur with a tail the size of a dragons. Languages: They speak the Sea Folk and Common Languages.
Naga The naga or sea witches, are serpent snake-like people who gained intelligence and developed multiple arms to cast magic and use tools. They are a shamenistic like people who live by themselves deep in the woods and jungles of the swamps, even though they hail from the depths they enjoy time in the sun. They originally lived in a harmonic union with the various sea peoples before the rise of the murlocs, however now that the murlocs have risen to power, they were pushed deep away from their watery tribal villages. They defend themselves with their ancient magics and now the murlocs leave them at bay or come to see them to be cured of an ailment. They are seen as swamp witches, the ones who can easily kill a murloc if they get out of line and are honored and respected by the murloc people. They tend to be very territorial and will fight any and all who come within their territory if they don’t pay the fee at one of the entrances. Their magics allow them to detect intruders and they use various forms of illusion magics to conceal themselves. It is said that an ancient Naga queen read a book once of a powerful serpent haired woman who would turn men into stone. Knowing this all other naga’s spawned from her set out on their own with the magic and knowledge to mimic that. When under the illusion of being turned to stone with the use of binding magic, the Naga can easily take any and all men they wish and are feared as legendary creatures. Within the empire they now have many murlocs who serve them as powerful tools of war. Naga are respected even by demons due to their passion for death and destruction using clever means. They will lay with any race and take a portion of their life essence and power and give pleasures incomparable to other races just for a whim. They will breed with Myrmidons inorder to make more stronger offspring which is mostly more Myrmidon, on rare occasions another naga is born and it is far more powerful than their parents ever were. However these descriptions of naga are not totally true due to their unique composition. Factions: They have no real faction as well as they don’t have a village or home. They live and lay eggs once they capture a male of any race, charm him, then breed to lay an egg cluster. Most of the men that are used in the birthing process are given a large amount of ecstasy as they are completely drained of all bodily fluids to be used in the creation of Naga eggs. They will take on the most of the genetic material with most of them being born as more murlocs who will eat the male used in their birth process. They will now see the naga as their mother and follow all of her orders. If they lay with a Myrmidon they will produce Myrmidon children with the rare occasion of them making a naga child. Due to the long gestation period and huge requirement of genetic materials to create a Myrmidon egg, the spawned creatures are usually hailed as sea champions or elite warriors. In the sea society naga women will sit with their male kings and take on countless servants to birth an heir to the throne. On very rare occasions they may lay an egg which will hatch into a humanoid like creature taking on the features of the race they came from. They have innate water breathing abilities as well as being capable on land. Naga Hunter: The male naga when born is bestowed will all manners of equipment and abilities. They are super powerful and will destroy almost anything in combat as a massive sea champion. They are born on the rarest of occasions and wield an entire harem of women at their beck and call. Their power and influence will make them prime candidates for spreading naga and murloc kinds to other worlds as they use a high level of illusion magic and have a handsome body. They will even cast illusion magics on entire kingdoms as they take the princess as a bride to begin their reign of power. Truesight and magical sight can see them for what they are, naga and murloc children. They will have their way with any number of women they can then instruct the offspring which eats their way out of the human womb due to the lack of nutrients to make way for the water and rebuild societies. Naga Sea Witch: As stated above, they are powerful swamp witches who use high levels of magic. They are the ultimate cause of a world's demise as they will produce powerful children and cast high levels of magic. They enjoy watching a world suffer greatly and are employed by the empire as part of their shock troops. Faction Traits: Age: Their age is unknown. Morality: They have no morality just surviving. Size: They are slim fit people with a beautiful sometimes clothed body which lures in males. Languages: They speak the Sea Folk and Common Languages.
Ogers Powerful warriors who favor the club and other large weapons. They are not the most intelligent of people but they are the kindest and most loving group of people. They have no religion or worship any god or deity but they do believe in the honor code and honor of the warriors. They will honor and do battle to the death inorder to prove their “innocence” towards a crime. They believe in the more power someone has the more freedoms and law breaking they can do. They are adept rule breakers and combat specialists as they joined the empire to spread their warrior code and fight the strong enemies the empire faces. Factions: They have no factions and tend to focus on the most simple things in their life. They either focus heavily on combat or on magic to do battle versus their enemies. They enjoy simple nice things and will choose a non aggression option if offered. Oger Brawler: Ogers born and raised fighting each other proved themselves to be skilled fighters and hunters. They brawl from young ages and as they enter adulthood they begin to use wooden clubs and sticks to further their combat prowess. If you can eat it, hit it, or play with it, then the ogres are a happy race. Most ogers who favor combat are single minded people therefore they are mainly seen as having 1 head, on very rare occasions a 2 headed oger may favor melee physical combat over casting magic. Oger Magi: When growing up they get a good dose of magic in training and they react showing their true potential with magic. They are then taken from the other children and trained using intelligence, magic, and honor. They study for many years into adulthood enjoying their lives as the other ogers care for them and treat them highly for they can use magic and the others can’t. They will go off to better oger kinds and become powerful magic casters. Most ogers who favor casting magic and spell weaving are dual minded people, therefore they are mainly seen as having 2 heads. On very rare occasions a 1 headed oger may favor casting the magical powers over the more brutal clobbering combat. Faction Traits: Age: They live long lives up to 200 years. Morality: They believe in the honor code and basic morality. Size: They are very big and large. Languages: They speak the Ogerian and Common Languages.
Orcs A large group of orcs make up the orc kind, they are a civilized sophisticated bunch similar to humans. They can be more pig and pig nosed like, more mutant and evil looking, or they might look like a tall goblin. They use technology, tools, magic, and advanced weapons like the higher intelligence races. They are ruled over by an Orc Lord and a council made up of clan leaders. They were once great pigs, boars, and other creatures which after humans began coming into magical contact they were born from their union. On different worlds their etymology and history will be different but their creation is that of a magical origin. They quickly gained intelligence separating themselves from the goblins and other creatures. They built large towering civilizations and working with other races they have developed a large group as a great faction on their own worlds. As they joined the empire many different races of Orc have come together. They will always see themselves as the greatest part of the Orc race but will refer to each other as their racial slur. Clans: They come in all manner of shades and colors as they form clans based on their appearance. They will use the most basic ways to name their clan like using their skin color as well as what's around them. You will get many different names for their clans from all kinds of worlds they hail from. Examples are The Black Rock Clan, The Black Forest Clan, The Black Pond Clan, The Black Cloth Clan, The Black Serpent Clan, The Black Hawk Clan, The Black Temple Clan, ect, ect. This has caused the empire to shorten their clan names down to The Black Orc Clan. The orcs had an immense problem with this not because the name is changing them to be so simple but because they are being grouped with the other non-orc orcs. Thus the empire has changed their name to now featuring their race name and the conflicts have stopped. They are now known as The Smooth Black Orc Clan, The Mutant Black Orc Clan, and The Pig Black Orc Clan respectively. Factions: They are split into a few different main factions or groups which make up the orc society. From fighters to spell throwers, to engineers and explorers, they are a multifacet society where every faction works together in harmony to make a successful race. They come in 3 main kinds referred to as the Pig Nosed Ones, The Smooth Skin Ones, and the Mutant Ones. This applies only to their appearance as a people and is more towards how the empire and themselves describe each other. The pig nosed ones have more pig like features and are more plump. They are bipedal large pigs with tusks and overall have a flabby pig face and skin tones. They have developed a muscled 4 fingered hand which allows them to use weapons and tools. They are the closest to their animalistic origins than the other orcs. The smooth skinned ones as the humans describe them look like tall orcish goblins with small tusks protruding from the sides of their mouths. They are of average build with a muscular frame. They are the closest to the other humanoid species within the empire and are favorably looked upon as such. The mutant ones however look like they have heavy demonic taint upon them. They are shorter and more hunchbacked with different boils and blisters appearing on their skin. Although they look evil they have a softer heart than the other Orcs. Exploring Orc: Orcs who fall under the flag of exploration, spend their time running the obstacle courses and along the walls to better their skills. They are a free running exploration bunch who want to see the great unknown. They return back to their people and report regularly. They tend to be excellent scouts and hunters of the creatures in the surrounding areas. They will try to compete against the others to make sure they reign at the top of the leaderboards. They are outfitted with modern equipment since they don’t care what they use so long as they can use it while running and sliding to their destinations. Missions and tasks which involve getting into a secure location are their favorite, even more points if they need to scale and run walls or climb up cliffs to zipline in. Battling Orc: Heavily trained and very skilled fighters, they use many if not all kinds of weapons and tend to have no real favorite. They have spent more time with their weapons than with their family. After they turn 14 they enter into the orc military and train to become powerful soldiers, as they act as mercenaries during the many wars and now turn to adventuring. They work well when being supported by ranged and magical support in battles, but in a more one-on-one setting they will come out on top. They will scream warcries and intensely fight to the end as they cleave their enemies apart with their savage weapons. Orcs are hard to kill unlike the tall goblins which the humans typically see as the orcs they fight. They are strong enough to take many kinetic and laser weapons to the chest before being brought down in battle. They will shrug off arrows and bolts as they charge through them wielding massive axes and swords. They do enjoy the empire's new super violent weapons like the chain sword, plasma axe, or even the super sharp long knife which wont break and they can even throw it. (A Steel Spear) Casting Orc: They study magic from the moment they develop the skill and enter into a magical academy. They study magic at the same level while attending education. This can sometimes put a small child in classes with teens and adults. They will work as a complete team and continuously train and learn until they successfully graduate by using advanced displays of magic and vast magical talent. They then can either take the path of the shaman, the witch doctor, the herbalist, the elder, the seer, or join the military for honor and glory in battle. They have a tendency to use magic on their fellow orcs making them enter combat in a super intense bloodlusting rage growing massive in size being the size of a building and making them blind because it's funny. That orc will decimate the battlefield taking all kinds of wounds as it flails around and the magic caster will totally not forget to heal them until the absolute last minute. They will use the absolute strongest world ending spell on a single weak frail enemy just to make sure it is down for good. This behavior stems from a time when an orc used 15 fireballs to destroy an entire forest to kill a bandit then it rose back up from being a necromancer's curse target. Another 45 fireballs had to be cast and 3 forests burned to the ground. Information Orc: They are great scholars, teachers, religious figures, politicians, diplomats, and leaders. They say the pen is mightier than the sword however the orcs believe in absolute power and intelligence over all others. They are great warriors, battle tested and battle hardened, they lead their people and display their combat prowess. They have a unique set of skills allowing them to do almost anything. This makes them boring to the other orcs but highly respected to all other species. Engineering Orc: Orcs who govern and handle all things city works. They do public works, build roads and buildings, they make tools and other cool gadgets. They are multi-purpose doing hard labor with the other orcs but also being able to be the main brains behind the major operations and jobs. They form a council working as heads of research, engineering, crafting, and labor guilds. They also serve their leaders as his council. They help to build and maintain even the craziest of orc tools and weapons and are respected as gods of the orc population. A shovel once broke during the construction of the wall to an orc city. An engineering orc saw the problem and put the end of the shovel on a large tree and squeezed it tight. The orcs then ripped the tree from the ground and took far longer digging the single last hole for a wall post. That engineer was hailed as chieftain because he finished the entire city. Faction Traits: Age: Their age is standard around 100 years. Morality: They can be good or evil, depending on the individual. Size: They stand around 7ft on average and are just pure muscle. Languages: They speak the Orcish, Goblin, and Common Languages.
Slimes Cute little forest creatures which have a central nucleus which allows them to have a face and show emotions. They speak using telepathy giving the target the generalized jist of what they want to say or do. They can roll, hop, and slither-like move around. They can be any variety of color and tend to focus on using stupid joke weapons and armors in a silly fashion. The legendary slime warrior uses a stick as a weapon, giant leaf as a shield, tree bark as a helmet, brush as armor, pebbles as eyebrows, long grass as a mustache. They communicate through cute gestures using their bodies or by telepathic communication. The more feral slimes have natural defense of all kinds which are given up as tribute to the gods as the slimes evolve into I-Slimes being a very intelligent slime who begins to adventure about the various worlds. Factions: They are just some slimes gathered together to defeat the demon lords. Really though they are a bunch of colorful single colored slimes who are always banning together to gang up on the bad guys and keep themselves safe. Warrior Slime: Able to use almost any weapon ineffectively, they try their absolute hardest to be able to do even the most simple of things. This has allowed them to develop a unique set of magical skills which causes them to hit their target absolutely anywhere since they can stretch their body. It is seen as a joke until their magic enhances them to be so strong a flick will launch a giant. Using this power they wield even the most powerful legendary equipment just to make others mad. They will eat and consume people whole if need be. They will use their basic little equipment to smack a target until it gets hurt or bored and leaves the slime alone. We were swarmed by hundreds of slimes. At first it was cute to see them armed with sticks, bark, and leaves. After being hit a few times, it was annoying but manageable to just kick them away. The lizards were much stronger, or so we thought. The slimes got angry and every time they hit us it hurt so much more. At first it was a mere stick being swung from a child, now it feels like a giant hitting us with trees! -Exert from a knight on the battlefield. Magical Slime: A Warrior Slime who also uses magical powers far greater than they should know. With a connection to the arcane and cosmos they know every spell instantly when they develop magic which makes them fat with power. Our camp was attacked in the middle of the day once by a bunch of slimes. At first it was cute to see them shoot little fire bolts no bigger than a skipping stone. After a little moment a small whoosh of flames appears and disappears just as quickly. Honestly we thought it was just entertainment. That was until one day a few slimes returned wearing cool wizard and witches hats. Oh a bonus show? We can’t wait for our daily entertainment. That was the biggest mistake we ever made, they were not cute little slimes shooting cute little fire bolts. No! They were powerful mages shooting off massive flaming balls into the sky as the air burned and it rained fire down upon us killing and wounding many and routing us from our camp. -Exert from a knight on the frontline battlefield camp. Faction Traits: Age: Their age is unknown. Morality: They only like to eat food and survive. Size: They are small sized. Languages: They speak all languages by using telepathy.
Spirits They are a group of ghosts and spirits who wander the physical realm due to them wanting to find or do something they never got to do in life and this fuels their desire to stay alive. They can remain in the physical world due to their vast amount of magical power even if they have fulfilled their lingering desires and objectives. They are slightly resistant against magic attacks but will be weakened by them and destroyed under intense magic damage, they have an extremely high physical and kinetic damage resistance. Factions: They are a group of ghostly spirits who wander the physical realm. They are united in the way that they have no faction and instead just do what they do. If they are a specific spirit like a Banshee, Wraith, or Specter then they have a unique circumstance and may hold the faction of their once living body. Banshee: Banshee's Voices can pierce through the heavens. The banshee can release a howl so earrupturing loud that it can cause various side effects and damage to all those around them in and out of combat. They are a spirit being heralds of death howling in the night as well as just before their target dies by themselves or others. They act as servants to the death which takes hold of many, they will walk the world as powerful magic casters. The female Banshee howl can even shatter glass. Sometimes the banshee assumes the form of some sweet-singing virgin of the family who died young. Or she may be seen at night as a shrouded woman, crouched beneath the trees, lamenting with a veiled face. Flying past in the moonlight, crying bitterly, the cry of this spirit is mournful beyond all other sounds on earth. This wailing will beckon certain death to some member of the family whenever it is heard in the silence of the night. The Banshee has been given the mission by the invisible powers of the gods and demon unbeknownst to become the harbinger of coming doom to her mortal kindred. Wraith: Wraiths are shadowy cloaked looking individuals who act as great huanters and hunters. They are volatile potent warriors who are held to the physical realm by powerful emotions which allow them to grow in power. They act as strong soldiers who can phase in and out dealing great damage and dodging attacks. The empire doesn’t know how, why, or where they come from but they accept their combat powers for the empire on the battlefield. Specter: Ghosts who have gained even stronger powers being able to become not just a mere apparition but being able to affect the physical realm like moving things, throwing things, or phasing small items or things in and out. They can influence the world around them and are very devious and intelligent individuals acting more mischievous than goody two shoes. Faction Traits: Age: Unknown Morality: Unknown Size: They are considered Medium sized being mostly non-corporeal. Languages: Unknown, they speak with telepathy and ghastly sounds.
Swarm The swarm is limitless and constantly evolving. They are a faction of creatures with each one they kill and consume they become stronger. Their evolution allows them to randomly become a genetic mess of creatures within themselves. They use no weapons or armor except their own natural bodies and abilities which makes them squishy but they can get very strong through combat. All forms of the swarm are birthed from swarm eggs and evolve into other forms to better suit their combat needs. Through constant feasting on evolutionary biomass, they can retain new stats, skills, abilities, and spells through combat and consumption. Although a slower race in combat with no default magic they can become the strongest with everything from each thing they eat. For more information on the individual swarm units see the Swarm Units page for more detailed descriptions. Factions: The swarm is overseen using a hive mind as they receive orders from the level above them in battle. The swarm is split into different broods which are controlled through their individual hive minds which are separate from all others. The Brood Section will discuss what swarm units are available to that brood, what makes them unique, and how they operate in service to the empire. Broods: Each Brood is unique to the swarm it serves. Some broods may have a higher focus on fast striking units while another may have air superiority. The broods can evolve and change as needed, gaining their lost units to be able to make them in specific situations if the need calls for it. For example, if an aerial assault brood is losing the fight they may choose to begin to flood the enemy with swarmlings and assault lings to take out their aerial defenses before flooding into their base with flyers. Swarm Queens will oversee the troops while the Brood Queens will issue new orders from orbit or on the ground. Alimah’s Brood Alimah’s Brood is made up of small swarm creatures who swarm their enemies in a large flood. Their drop pods and accompanying flyers will black out the entire sun on a world. Each member of her brood isn’t particularly strong with the normal swarming creature only being the size of a large dog with little armor plating in favor of many of them hatching at once per breeding cycle. Her average force will outnumber the enemy 22 to 1. Her brood is mostly made up of Queens, Swarmers, Lings, and Spitters. Daka’s Brood Supreme Queen Daka has a multitude of broods at her disposal as she moves them around the galaxy making new assault and defensive lines. Her personal brood is made up entirely of Super Stompers which tower over other stompers as it stands 300 ft or 100 m talls with a large swarm platform. It carries a small hive with a few queens as it transports swarm high into the sky. It keeps a large detachment of Spitters and Bombarders. She will orbitally drop a few of these big guys on a world to wreck some havoc. Dana’s Brood Dana believes that only the truly powerful and evolved creatures may be a part of her swarm. Her super queens can birth thousands of eggs at once which evolve into normal swarm units. A single queen can siege an entire world if left alone. She only keeps 10 of the swarmers which are huge tank sized creatures with rapid healing, 8 legs for massive speed capabilities, sharp and poisonous spikes and spines all over its body, and massive large blades across its head to cut people in half. Her other swarm numbers only 2-3 and are powerful enough by eating and evolving all others to be the best they can be. She has used her swarm on her home world to further develop massive monsters of swarm creatures. When assaulting a world Dana will only send a single swarm creature which will cause havoc as a S-Tier Legendary monster on most worlds as it rampages about. If she needs to take a world quickly she will drop one of her Super Queens which can birth an entire swarm in a few days. Dana’s brood may be unconventional but their size and ferocity causes all other swarm units to steer clear of them due to them being mythical creatures. Her stompers are the size of entire mountain ranges as it shoots plasma blasts as much as it roars. Her spitters are around 600 ft or 200 m long covered in thick heavy armor plates which can shrug off small nuke blasts. Denok Brood A large standard multi-purpose brood which has a bright pink stripe down the center of their backs to better designate who they are to the Supremes and the Brood High Command. They feature all the swarm units in their standard size and can be used to assault various worlds or defend strategic points. Dukan’s Brood A third of their military force consists of Soldiers from the empire who tend to bond with a swarm creature to either hunt with or ride on. They are larger and made for mounted combat which allows for hit and run tactics. They will use the standard swarm units which will be created to be a little bit larger so they can be bound to a soldier for better battlefield tactics. A platoon of heavy armored soldiers atop fast moving lings is a force to be reckoned with. Garm Brood A large standard multi-purpose brood which has a bright red stripe down the center of their backs to better designate who they are to the Supremes and the Brood High Command. They feature all the swarm units in their standard size and can be used to assault various worlds or defend strategic points. Grom Brood A large standard multi-purpose brood which has a bright blue stripe down the center of their backs to better designate who they are to the Supremes and the Brood High Command. They feature all the swarm units in their standard size and can be used to assault various worlds or defend strategic points. Jerken Brood A large standard multi-purpose brood which has a bright orange stripe down the center of their backs to better designate who they are to the Supremes and the Brood High Command. They feature all the swarm units in their standard size and can be used to assault various worlds or defend strategic points. Maeve Brood A large standard multi-purpose brood which has a bright yellow stripe down the center of their backs to better designate who they are to the Supremes and the Brood High Command. They feature all the swarm units in their standard size and can be used to assault various worlds or defend strategic points. Her new special brood is unlike any other within the swarm. Keeping the swarm a secret she breeds them all as large worm like creatures. They attach to a person's spinal cord and nervous system as well as the brain stem, this enhances the person's body by pumping them full of swarm made enzymes and nutrients. This enhances the person's speed, strength, dexterity, intelligence, and healing while also allowing them to either take partial or full control of the individual. They can use them like puppets going from host to host or living with them in harmony. Since they share all memories they acquire with the ability to survive inside and outside of a body they are able to grow more powerful with extended age. This makes them begin to develop energy based abilities. Making the worms have not only evolutionary growth due to the consumption of other various wildlife it is highly adaptable to most if not all places. The only real drawback is due to it being a technically inferior swarm creature it has a much slower evolution rate requiring 100x the amount of biomass to gain the wanted or needed evolution benefit due to it being only a larvae of a certain size. Coming from the worm queen Serit they make themselves gods amongst men in the second galaxy due to it being a rather fledging empire Maeve had the worms start the furthest away possible inorder to spread and grow. They now have a split civilization of rebels working in unison with their LArvae while the major faction is evil space faring warlords who use their creatures like gods. Niffle Brood This is the swarm brood on the SSS Tier death world of Niffleheim. The Niffle brood consists of mostly small large swarmers, lings, spitters, stompers, and flyers. Supreme King Astar battled the swarm on this world where he met many future Magistrates as well as Supreme Admiral Tachibana Hiragana who is feared by the swarm. Orcca’Thal’s Brood Her brood is unmatched in combative swarming strength due to it consisting of mostly swarmers, lings, spitters and massively large swarm queens which can lay eggs the size of tanks that can burst open spilling over 50 creatures at a time. Each queen is heavily armored and has rapid healing allowing them to survive even the most dangerous of battlefields. They use powerful scythes attached to their arms to slice through even the toughest of armor, they can spit sharp spines and biomass blobs at enemies around themselves. They can command the swarm together or as a separate individual force under each queen, Orcca’Thal will usually send only 2-3 queens to conquer a massive world due to their enhanced combat abilities and strength of swarm production. They can either send the queen larvae down in a storm of meteors which they will burrow deep towards the core in order to grow quickly while displacing the dirt to make it look solid and un-burrowed. They then will consume the soil for biomass and to grow as a giant larvae they can hold up to 3 fully grown eggs to allow for the first rapid advancement of swarmers to hit the field of battle. It takes about 5 days for the queen to evolve and grow to their normal size once they eject the first 3 eggs. Afterwards they can produce up to 15 eggs per cycle. Only 1 massive queen can fit into an egg so they will spend the first available eggs to birth more queens to rapidly grow a swarm. The queen's egg production cycle takes 3 days with excess biomass or 5 with the normal amount available. Her brood is mostly made up of Large Queens, Spitters, Lings, and Swarmers. Shal’ena Brood Shal’ena Brood is primarily made up of melee ground units who can all shoot powerful toxic piercing barbs at their enemies and rapidly spawn. Her brood is mostly made up of Queens, Stompers, Lings, and Swarmers. Spearhead Brood They are a major powerful brood split into two. The First one is dyed red with corrosive and flammable biomass which will explode or leak when killed causing things to be lit with intense flames and dissolving most materials. The Second one is dyed blue with chilling biomass which will explode or be launched and sprayed causing things to be frozen solid almost instantly with an intense biomass rich liquid which is even worse than liquid nitrogen. This brood is mostly made up of Queens, Stompers, Lings, Spitters, Flyers, Bombers, Worms and Swarmers. Stranda’s Brood Her brood is made up of large tough swarm creatures who swarm their enemies in a flood of large powerhouses. Their drop pods and accompanying flyers will black out the entire sun on a world. Each member of her brood is very strong with the normal ling creature being the size of a small car with heavy armor plating and hatching 2 to 1 egg once per breeding cycle. Her average force will outnumber the enemy 5 to 1. Her brood is mostly made up of Queens, Flyers, Lings, Spitters, and Stompers. Talos Brood This Brood focuses primarily on using explosive units which release thick toxic clouds of biomass which can melt flesh and metal as the cloud lingers behind for a short time. They will use creatures which spew vile and poison and that will launch large glob bubbles which will also explode into clouds. Tanya’s Brood Tanya’s Brood is made up of pack hunting swarm units who will focus on splitting the enemies attention then ambushing them from all sides. They will like together and use more packs of units to tear through any enemy units left out in the open. Her brood is mostly made up of Queens, Lings, Spitters, Flyers, Bombers, Sky Terrors and Gliders. Thenok Brood A large standard multi-purpose brood which has a bright green stripe down the center of their backs to better designate who they are to the Supremes and the Brood High Command. They feature all the swarm units in their standard size and can be used to assault various worlds or defend strategic points. Turnkol Brood A large standard multi-purpose brood which has a bright yellow stripe down the center of their backs to better designate who they are to the Supremes and the Brood High Command. They feature all the swarm units in their standard size and can be used to assault various worlds or defend strategic points. Vulkan’s Brood A third of their military force consists of Soldiers from the empire who tend to bond with a swarm creature to either hunt with or ride on. They are larger and made for mounted combat which allows for hit and run tactics. They will use the standard swarm units which will be created to be a little bit larger so they can be bound to a soldier for better battlefield tactics. A platoon of heavy armored soldiers atop fast moving lings is a force to be reckoned with.
Trolls The trolls were a peaceful bunch long ago but as they began to develop magic powers they were split into a more forest elf-like troll race and a huge hulking war troll-like race. They are a tribal-like group who live in huts or tents in various areas of the worlds they inhabit. They are skilled with their axes and are excellent throwers due to their need to hunt wild game in the areas they set up camp. They are isolated to various areas with the main group living in the deep forests, the frost trolls live in the northern icy lands, the war trolls are from the long spanning deserts and the dark trolls have been twisted from the magics of the demons. They do work well with other forest groups as they band together with the Orcs and Goblins to fend off the humans in their invasion of their lands. As they take to the empire they set up new homeworlds on planets that best suit their individual traits. They serve the empire and engage in their enemies wielding magic and their axes. They are bound to them by magic and are buried with their axe unless it is unbound and passed down. They will make large funeral piles of softwood and hold a celebration for their dead. Factions: The trolls are an allied people who still hold their alliances close to their heart even after they separated to their new homeworlds. They will travel on large ships as a combined force and will always act in unison for the troll species and their individual race. Forest Troll: Deep in the forests they dwell, they are the main people who make up the troll race due to their vast numbers and ease of life to prosper. They are skilled with survival, crafting, first aid, poisons, and healing. They make up the vast amount of shamans and witch doctors within the empire as they use their ritual magics to better suit their troll lives. They will send a Forest Troll Witch Doctor and Shamen to live within the other troll groups to help their spiritual and magical needs. Frost Troll: They are a powerful group of trolls who live in the land of ice and frost, they grow special frost herbs and hunt ice fish. They have developed very thick hair over their bodies and they have long hair which keeps them warm in the intense winter months and they have become great ice fishermen as well as snow hunters, hunting the wild game of the winterlands. They become one with the elements due to the harsh weather, their skin is rough and ragged making it resistant to the cold and magic damage. Dark Troll: After splitting off from the main troll group, they left and headed into the twisted and demonic lands to better their understanding of their newfound powers over magic. They have learned a great deal of magic at the cost of turning dark skinned, developing demonic traits like small horns, and they have acquired the demon's taint. They were slaves to the demons at first but after a large rebellion they have risen to the great allies and positions of power in the demon societies. Their powers over the demonic taint allow them to influence lesser demons around them as they grow in power they can become more demon-like. War Troll: Large hulking people who live in the deep forests and marshes. They will go to the swamps to hunt the dragons but they tend to be a powerful yet slumbering race. When a troll awakes and goes on a rampage it can become a major disaster to the surrounding lands. They are powerful enough to siege a castle, launching huge boulders or using a massive tree to deal crazy damage to the people around them. Slow and not that intelligent they are simple minded people who eat, sleep, and fight whenever possible. They tend to act as mercenaries and fighters to the strongest ones. In the empire they are dropped on world in a slumbering state in a massive drop pod which is fused to their body acting as large armor pieces when they land and awaken breaking apart the seams of the pod. As they are one of the troll people, they have very high regenerative powers and enhancement magic. When they land the top of the drop pod will fall off allowing them to use a massive steel club to decimate the surrounding areas. They will not fight other trolls as they follow the orders of the troll people, therefore the empire will send other trolls down with them during planetary assault missions with them. Faction Traits: Age: They live long lives due to their ancient elf-like lineage. They can live up to 400 years with their magic prolonging their lives allowing them to become truly aged and battle tested. Morality: They can be good or evil, depending on the individual. Size: Trolls tend to be average sized like the other races unless they are the hulking War Trolls which are huge walking behemoths. Languages: They speak the Trollish, Goblin, Orc and Common Languages.
Terrans Terrans are humans who have been changed and adapted by the infection known as magic. For better or worse, they are stronger, bigger, faster, illness resistant, disease resistant, and more intelligent. They can do anything and everything very well and they are endowed with magic. Most humans don’t know of the changes within them and see their increase in size and power as a blessing of the gods, however this is true of all “humans” across the galaxy. Terrans make up the vast number of the “humans” in the current galaxy where they number 99.999%. There exists a very few amount of true humans within the galaxy at large, the main human being The Supreme King Astar. Due to their unique physiology and magical enhancements, they can consume food from almost every other species, even H Food items which are made using the human physiology in mind. Terrans are unique to the standard galaxy and will still be taller and larger than the Humans best athletes in other galaxies, this allows them to use heavier weapons and armor. Factions: Like standard humans, Terrans will form kingdoms and empires. They are just like humans, just stronger and will use these new found powers and abilities to push people around. The Terran: Being stronger, better, faster, tougher, magic resistant, disease resistant, illness resistant, energy resistant, they are just overall the better option to inhabit the galaxy at large. They make up a huge majority of the galaxies population and are the main crew of most starships. Faction Traits: Age: They have a standard lifespan of 120-220 years. Morality: They are morality neutral and can be good or evil. Size: They stand between 6ft 5in - 7ft 10in or 195.5cm - 238.3cm on average. They are bulky and well built being muscled enough to wield 2-handed weapons in 1-hand. Their magic power is super potent, causing even the smallest of firebolt spells to hit as hard as a master level firebolt spell from a normal human. Languages: They speak the Common Language.